How to invert limit switches?


  • MPCNC primo (build in progress)
  • Jackpot controller with dual endstop firmware
  • no mods, stock BOM from

I’m using the FluidNC dashboard connected via WiFi - AP to the jackpot board. I have just finished assembly and just connected the motors and endstops. I homed X and both trucks are going the same direction (X+) during “pulloff”(I’m assuming). They stop and then I get the message “fluidnc homing fail. pull off travel failed to clear limit switch”. After searching the docs I noticed that the limit switches are supposed to be NC, but the lights on the controller board only light up when triggered (acting like NO switches). How do I correct this?

I have used Klipper before and in this situation I’d invert the endstop pin by adding “!” Before the pin name. And in the fluidnc wiki it states that I could need a pull-up resistor, but I am assuming that’s unnecessary for the jackpot board/kit components from V1E (please correct me if I’m wrong).

Thank you in advance

Move one wire from the NO pin to the NC pin on the endstop

Did you wire your switches to the 2 outside contacts on the switch? If not then that is the only way to get them correct. Which ever wire you put to the middle contact, move it to the other outside contact and your switch will then be wired NC

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Can you post a pic of your endstop? or a link to where you got them?

Nevermind, the third pin was tucked further back. That’s got to be the issue, thank you very much sir.

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No problem. Hopefully that gets you up and running!


Confirmed that I needed to solder to the other contacts on the endstop switch. Thank you

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