How square is enough?

I’m doing the final gantry squaring. Along the process I thought I had everything squared up but I think I wasn’t as precise in the beginning steps as I could have been. Following the directions to square the gantry wasn’t working - turning the bolts didn’t seem to have any impact on the distance between the trucks and the corner. So I took the gantry off and re-took measurements. Here’s where I sit:

Measuring Corners

Core + Gantry
For this measurement I pushed the core to the max Y and took an absolute measurement from 0 at both corners.

I’m installing dual end stops which I believe makes the squaring issue a lot less sensitive. So, considering the dimensions in the pics above, am I good to go or do I need go back and move the feet. Which is problematic since the holes will end up overlapping.

With dual endstops, you only need to be close enough that the motors can pull it square. I think you’re probably fine.