I would love to see a M3DP Camera slider.
Also a M3DP Solar Tracker.
And a M3DP Camera Gimball. Or a M3DP Sand Polisher.
I would love to see a M3DP Camera slider.
Also a M3DP Solar Tracker.
And a M3DP Camera Gimball. Or a M3DP Sand Polisher.
I did one of those for a final project in school, as a tangential nasa project. I made a basic tracker, super easy with arduino and had a parabolic dish track the sun to try and cook a crystal window. It was being tested to hold back molten salt in a power plant in the desert. That professor contacted me a little while back and said they were about to mount it on the roof of SDSU finally!
The tracker was just a couple lines of code and a few photoreceptors in a shadow tube. Like this https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-Solar-Tracker/
I really need to finish my star tracker. I printed all the parts, just need to buy the hardware.
Here’s from a reddit-thread on r/mpcnc:
MP Newtonian Reflector Telescope or this Tube Telescope
MP Lab Grade Microscope | Better link here
MP Astrophotography Tracker (Thanks /u/mondoman712!)
MP RC Cars (Based on real cars, too!)
MP Seed Planting Octocopter from /u/armagin and a bunch more MP Quads here and a Micro 105 FPV Quad Here
MP Violin or MP Violin or Fiddle or a Guitar
Hey, the openastrotech star tracker is what I’m building.
How about a M3DP pinball machine?
I built that one!
I want a mostly printed Power Armor, Fallout style. Can we do that?
I’ve just finished the Tarmo 5, by engineeringns. It’s a beast!! I haven’t gotten a proper tryout in daylight yet, without snow or ice. But it’s certainly a powerful toy.
Nice! Snow ice, put a blade on it. Make it a 6x6 or even tank tracks!! Did you design it yourself? I like the arms. Look robust
Which type of motors did you use? He never specifies the kv… 1450? 1250? 1000?
I got the 1450K. I think it’s actually overkill for the printed components, but they hold up suprisingly well! I DID had to compensate a little for loose tolerances and some other shortcomings in the design, but all in all it’s amazingly sturdy and fun to drive! Let me know if you are making it, so I can give you a little heads up on where to watch out.
BTW, how do I embed instagram posts here? It seems that Discourse should be able to do it.
I am just trying to figure out the total price and am again a little shocked that the three motors and the ESC(?) alone cost 130€… Phew. Plus the battery and a remote… Might have to wait a bit. But I really want to do it.
Three motors? Only need one, and a proper servo. But yeah, it’s pricey! There’s a significant price jump from rc cars in toy shops to the brushless motors with all the fancy smancy gear. But once you have a proper receiver and esc, you can use it for different things! Like making a boat!
Oh, good I got you, I messed up the part number and quantity, since the numbers aren’t in order…
What kind of receiver would you recommend?
How difficult is it to remove those parts? I actually bought Amazon.de and another one last year and wanted to build a boat, but never got around to do it.
And another one: Did you print anything with TPU? Did he print the bumpers with it?
I now looked at receivers/transmitters and see a lot of those weird remotes that look like a flightstick with a wheel (like this (randomly picked): https://www.amazon.de/Ursprüngliche-GoolRC-Digital-Fernbedienung-Empfänger/dp/B01IN61HNQ/). Do you steer the car by tilting it?
The hobbyking rx/tx are a very good value. The orange stuff is (or at least was) super cheap and every bit as functional as the spectrum stuff. Stuff like the turnigy and frsky stuff is a good value. You can use a stick transmitter with a car, but the surface stuff is a bit better. You just can’t use a surface transmitter with any quadcopters or planes.
There is a 4in1 module that can connect to almost any rx. I have it in my frsky transmitter. It is a bit of a pain to set up. But I have ditched all my other transmitters now.
No hobbyking in Germany. Maybe via Aliexpress. The frsky is a liiiiiiiittle pricey.
What does that even mean? I like the transmitters with the two sticks that we used to have for RC cars (and I now have on drone, even though that’s a tad more complicated with up and down etc.).
Thanks for all the input.
Yes! Generic brand 95a. The bumpers and some parts in the chassis. TPU was actually really interesting material to work with. Super strong and quite easy to print, as long as the filament is dry.
Everything is screwed together, with bolts or straight into plastic! I don’t like the screw-into-plastic approach, but it seems to hold up quite well. If things loosen up, the holes can be shimmed with some filament threads. I’ve opened and tightened most parts several times, and they hold up well.
I got this simple tx/rx: 33.79€ 51% OFF|DumboRC X6A/X6B/X6/X5/X4 2,4G 6CH Sender mit X6F/X6 Empfänger für MN 90 Rc Auto Boot Tank Modell Ersatzteile RC Fahrzeug Teile|Teile & Zubehör| - AliExpress
The ESC: Page Not Found - Aliexpress.com
Thanks! That helps. The ESC can’t be shown, Ali is weird with links. Maybe because I can not order it. I just followed his link, that should work. All in all it would be ~250€, I think my first stop is a new sensor for my Prusa Mini and a new print fan as well as some Prusament (I have to print 10 more things to have the 350m… :D). Then this might be my next goal.
I still have got an extensive list for the CNC as well, and it’s only getting longer.