How about a M3DP...?

This is the name: Waterproof 45A 60A 80A 120A Brushless ESC Electric Speed Controller Dust-proof for 1/8 1/10 1/12 RC Car Crawler RC Boat Part
I got the 80A, with with programming card.

My rationale for jumping in on this project was that the kids would enjoy the car. My 8 year old son finds it scary, since it’s so beefy - he’s afraid to ruin it, no matter how low I adjust the speed… well well, fun for the dad, and all the sons friends! :smiley: I think it’ll be easier to drive as well, in the summer time, with dry roads. Now it skids like crazy, obviously enough - considering snowy and icy roads…

Wow, this is a lot cheaper than the one he recommends. His would have been 60€, this one is 20. What is the card for? :sweat_smile:

That’s not gonna be a problem here, with 10cm of snow in total this year. :smiley:


1.5m meter in one month… the worst years we have snow from October to may. I sometimes wonder WHY we live here!!

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Cars and boats don’t fly. They often come with a gun like transmitter with a steering wheel and a trigger for speed. I have seen them called “surface” transmitters, because they don’t worl with planes or quads (which usually use the two sticks). Anything that can transmit 2 channels can control speed and steering.

I keep coming back to the rc hobbies. I have had a few dozen models. So I invested in a transmitter that can run them all.

Are you sure? They make everything in China. Out of stock stuff ships straight from China.

They also have (or at least had) the best deals on lipo batteries. No paying for the brand names there.


Thanks, I was looking at Using the website directly sounds smart… :smiley:

And thanks for the explanation of the surface thingy, it’s what I thought. :smiley:

The trigger controller is actually super neat to use, it’s very intuitive, like when you are sitting at a steering wheel.

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Ah yeah. They only sell through the website. RC is one of those places where you need to know where to go. Buying hockey gear online is the same thing. There are a few sites that work, and you can pretty much only find out by word of mouth. The search results are all flooded by amazon and big retailers.


I always have too little floor space, so how about a MPWCNC? That uses the walls instead.

The wallrider cnc? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do this:


I had heard that some R/C cars were outfitted with gyros and smart controllers that would automatically steer to achieve a target orientation, e.g. when drifting.

It never occurred to me that that could be done with pitch/throttle also.

What about a spiderbot:


SWEET! I’ve actually been thinking about this. Upping the game from the wheel based rc stuff :smiley:

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I do too. At this point I’ve played with everything but boats. By far my favorite was helicopters, but those things are rediculously expensive to crash.

I’ve been looking at 3d printing a rc airplane. Should be fun.

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Speaking of TPU I got reminded of your Tarmo. Did you see that someone remixed it? Printables
Looks insane and I am happy that I didn’t start building the Tarmo yet. :smiley:

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Wow! Amazing! I did finish the tarmo 5 yes, and it’s quite fun. Especially when there’s no snow!! BUT, things do snap more often than I’d like it to.
I’ve gotten a friend recently who is into RC. He really likes the 3dsets, so we are planning to make Landrovers together. They are slower crawler, but I think that might be more suitable for the kids. My son is afraid of driving the tarmo, he know’s too well that handled wrong it could certainly wreck itself, but worse hurt people.

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Man, I need to stop coming here, there are soooo many things that I realllllyyyy want!


Motocross racers do that with their bikes.

A friend tagged me with this link, and I kinda want to build that setup…

Omg!!! Insane!!!

I think @CesarH built a racing char on his LowRider, as far as I remember. Could combine that with building a car. :smiley: