Home - Error:Printer halted. kill() called! - MiniRambo No Endstops

Looking for help with resolution to this error received when homing the machine. whenever I attempt to use Repetier host to home the machine, it starts homing and then before it ever gets close to either end, it stops abruptly with this error.

I have been searching for answers on this issue and I am not seeming to get any clear answers. Some thread seem to imply that I must have end stops which we have not yet gotten per the advise to not use as beginners. Also, I don’t know why that would help since it never gets close to the ends anyway.

Per one thread I found, I also tried enabling the “define ENDSTOP_NOISE_THRESHOLD 2” line in the Configuration.h of the

firmware, but that did not seem to do anything.

I tried updating to the latest Arduino beta build and the latest firmware build https://github.com/Allted/Marlin/tree/MPCNC_MRambo_T8_16T_LCD

This seemed to be the only firmware for the mini-rambo1.3. I do not yet have any LCD and I am not clear on what T8_16T implies. There is no heatbed has we are using with a Dremel for cutting form board.

Below are the logs from Repetier host.

19:54:37.575 : Printer reset detected - initalizing

19:54:37.575 : start
19:54:37.575 : echo:Marlin bugfix-2.0.x
19:54:37.579 : echo: Last Updated: 2018-01-20 | Author: (V1 Engineering, Ryan, 302)
19:54:37.579 : echo:Compiled: Dec 10 2018
19:54:37.579 : echo: Free Memory: 3639 PlannerBufferBytes: 1472
19:54:37.583 : echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded
19:54:37.583 : echo: G21 ; Units in mm (mm)
19:54:37.587 : echo: M149 C ; Units in Celsius
19:54:37.587 : echo:Filament settings: Disabled
19:54:37.587 : echo: M200 D3.00
19:54:37.587 : echo: M200 D0
19:54:37.587 : echo:Steps per unit:
19:54:37.591 : echo: M92 X100.00 Y100.00 Z400.00 E100.00
19:54:37.591 : echo:Maximum feedrates (units/s):
19:54:37.595 : echo: M203 X120.00 Y120.00 Z30.00 E25.00
19:54:37.595 : echo:Maximum Acceleration (units/s2):
19:54:37.599 : echo: M201 X400.00 Y400.00 Z200.00 E2000.00
19:54:37.599 : echo:Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel>
19:54:37.603 : echo: M204 P400.00 R3000.00 T400.00
19:54:37.607 : echo:Advanced: B<min_segment_time_us> S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> J<junc_dev>
19:54:37.607 : echo: M205 B20000.00 S0.00 T0.00 J0.00
19:54:37.608 : echo:Home offset:
19:54:37.611 : echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
19:54:37.611 : echo:Material heatup parameters:
19:54:37.612 : echo: M145 S0 H196 B92 F0
19:54:37.616 : echo: M145 S1 H240 B110 F0
19:54:37.616 : echo:PID settings:
19:54:37.616 : echo: M301 P17.98 I0.98 D83.62
19:54:37.616 : echo:Stepper motor currents:
19:54:37.619 : echo: M907 X900 Z900 E900
19:54:37.780 : N1 M11034
19:54:37.780 : N2 M115
19:54:37.780 : N4 M11435
19:54:37.806 : N5 M111 S6
19:54:37.806 : N6 T060
19:54:37.807 : N7 M80
19:54:43.178 : ok
19:54:43.195 : FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:V1 E CNC EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff
19:54:43.195 : N10 M220 S10080
19:54:43.199 : Cap:SERIAL_XON_XOFF:0
19:54:43.199 : Cap:EEPROM:0
19:54:43.199 : Cap:VOLUMETRIC:1
19:54:43.199 : Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
19:54:43.199 : Cap:PROGRESS:0
19:54:43.199 : Cap:PRINT_JOB:1
19:54:43.199 : Cap:AUTOLEVEL:0
19:54:43.203 : Cap:Z_PROBE:0
19:54:43.203 : Cap:LEVELING_DATA:0
19:54:43.203 : Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:0
19:54:43.203 : Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0
19:54:43.207 : Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0
19:54:43.207 : Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS:0
19:54:43.207 : Cap:EMERGENCY_PARSER:0
19:54:43.207 : Cap:AUTOREPORT_SD_STATUS:0
19:54:43.211 : Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1
19:54:43.211 : Cap:MOTION_MODES:1
19:54:43.211 : ok
19:54:43.211 : N11 M221 S100
19:54:43.229 : N12 M111 S684
19:54:43.244 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:0 Z:0
19:54:43.244 : ok
19:54:43.244 : N13 T0
19:54:43.260 : echo:DEBUG:INFO,ERRORS
19:54:43.260 : ok
19:54:43.260 : ok
19:54:43.260 : N14 M155 S185
19:54:43.260 : echo:Unknown command: “M80”
19:54:43.260 : ok
19:54:43.269 : ok
19:54:43.269 : ok
19:54:43.269 : echo:DEBUG:INFO,ERRORS
19:54:43.269 : ok
19:54:43.272 : ok
19:54:43.272 : ok
19:54:49.299 : N15 G1 X50 F3600
19:54:49.305 : ok
19:54:50.826 : N16 G1 X100 F360053
19:54:50.829 : ok
19:54:52.283 : N17 G1 X150 F3600
19:54:52.287 : ok
19:54:53.778 : N18 G1 X200 F360056
19:54:53.782 : ok
19:54:55.186 : N19 G1 X250 F3600
19:54:55.191 : ok
19:54:56.585 : N20 G1 X300 F360050
19:54:56.592 : ok
19:54:57.835 : N21 G1 X350 F3600
19:54:57.842 : ok
19:54:59.315 : N22 G1 X400 F360055
19:54:59.320 : ok
19:55:00.850 : N23 G1 X450 F3600
19:55:00.856 : ok
19:55:00.866 : N24 G1 X500 F360048
19:55:00.873 : ok
19:55:03.322 : N25 G1 X550 F3600
19:55:03.326 : ok
19:55:06.002 : N26 G1 Y50 F36003
19:55:06.005 : ok
19:55:07.435 : N27 G1 Y100 F3600
19:55:07.439 : ok
19:55:08.946 : N28 G1 Y150 F360060
19:55:08.954 : ok
19:55:10.346 : N29 G1 Y200 F3600
19:55:10.351 : ok
19:55:13.129 : N30 G1 Y250 F360054
19:55:13.140 : ok
19:55:23.417 : N31 G28
19:55:25.420 : echo:busy: processing
19:55:27.419 : echo:busy: processing
19:55:29.422 : echo:busy: processing
19:55:31.421 : echo:busy: processing
19:55:33.420 : echo:busy: processing
19:55:35.457 : Error:Printer halted. kill() called!
19:56:02.864 : N32 M99927
19:56:02.864 : N1 M110
19:56:03.863 : N1 M11034
19:56:03.863 : N1 M110

Pictures attached

Thanks in advance. Having fun getting this tuned up!



Most people would not a home a mini rambo on this cnc. Did you install endstops?

That screenshot doesn’t tell us anything.

How well does my crown gcode run?

I ran the crown gcode and it it seemed to run as expected. I do not currently have endstops as stated, but I was considering getting them if that would solve the problem. I am getting up to speed with the options, but is there a reason why you stated that most people would not home a mini rambo on this cnc? I was looking to use the home after the print is complete so that it is ready for the next new cut. Or to start over if the print needed to be killed in the middle. Is there a better way?

This file does not use homing. As long as you don’t use G28 or the home button, no issue.

The only way to accurately use limit switches on this machine is using dual firmware, the mini is not capable of that. As you can see there really is not much of a reason to home a cnc, it starts where you start it, why home? CNC’s are used differently, just don;t worry about homing for a while, we went 3 years without it. I still don’t typically use it on any of my machines.


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I have this same issue with my Rambo 1.4 dual end stop firmware. If the X or the Y are a significant distance from the end stop (300mm +) the axis will start to home and before it reaches the end stop I get the error: Printer halted. kill() called!

If I disconnect the printer (in repetier host) and reconnect it, hit home again, it will happily home.

You have to change the firmware so it knows how big your machine is. It’s stopping at the soft stops. Usually you can just hit home again and it will start moving to the limit switches.

I just fixed a ‘Printer halted. kill() called!’ problem while homing after upgrading my ender 3 pro to a skr v1.4 board. For me, turned out to be the stepper motor driver signals coupling to the endstop switch. The fix for me was to move the wires for stepper motor away from the 2 switch wires in the ribbon cables, and run them separately. Saw the problem on both the X and Y axis. The Z axis already had the wires separated.

I expect the new stronger motor TMC2209 driver signals increase the coupling noise, or maybe the skr switch sensors are more sensitive to noise. This problem was exacerbated for my mahine having longer ribbon cables than stock.

You may have fixed it by properly setting the bed size with the new firmware too.

Hello Jeffeb3, Sorry, I meant to say that I had the issue after upgrading after all the firmware changes were made. I am sure it is a noise coupling issue in my case. (Possibly, maybe there is a setting I missed which makes the switch sensors sensitive to noise that I don’t know about. )

I see your point, that if the firmware thinks the bed is fewer steps across than it actually is, an error could be called because the endstop is not reached.

Ha, I just re-read this tread, and noticed the discussion about ENDSTOP_NOISE_THRESHOLD , maybe that setting would be effective on the noise problem I encountered.

Well, Live and Learn, ENDSTOP_NOISE_THRESHOLD seems to be just what is needed to block the coupled noise problem I was having… Below are the comments from the marlin code.

  • Enable if your probe or endstops falsely trigger due to noise.

    • Higher values may affect repeatability or accuracy of some bed probes.
    • To fix noise install a 100nF ceramic capacitor inline with the switch.
    • This feature is not required for common micro-switches mounted on PCBs
  • based on the Makerbot design, which already have the 100nF capacitor.

  • :[2,3,4,5,6,7]



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