From the bundle kit that is sold:
“Ramps 1.4 (Arduino mega, 3 drv8825 drivers , shield), flashed with firmware.”
This is nice that the microcontroller is Arduino, because I have several versions of Arduino here and I am a software developer with strong knowledge of C code. I’ve made lots of little Arduino electronic projects – such as a 40 knob midi controller for TR-808 and 606 plugins.
Anyways, I see “…flashed with firmware”. Is this C code firmware flashed into the Arduino Mega or another sub controller that the Arduino talks to?
Is the C source code for this firmware provided with the kit? Is there a place you host all the source code for this project?
It is the firmware that is flashed to the arduino mega, if you buy a kit from here it will come pre flashed, if you already have a mega or buy it separately you can download the firmware from the site.
Honestly if you don’t have all the electronics, motors and hardware I would buy it from here, I bought all of mine separately and I ended up pretty close to the same price with shipping.
Yes it is the firmware that is flashed to the Arduino. According to the blog post on 14Dec2015 by vicious1 ( he is using the standard Marlin firmware that most DIY 3D printers and CNC machines use. Since not everyone has an Arduino, he pre-loads the marlin firmware on the ones he sells, since you probably wouldn’t buy one from him unless you intend to build a MPCNC. Of course, since you already have several, just flash marlin to any of your compatible arduinos and you will be set as far as that goes, however, you will still need a RAMPS board (or equivalent) to attach to the arduino. The RAMPS simply takes the signals from the arduino and passes them through the stepper motor drivers (essentially translating micro-controller signals into higher current and higher voltage control signals for the stepper motors).