First, I have to say… Awesome design. I gave up looking for something like this 2 years ago… And stumbled across this accidently. Well 3 days, and 10 print hours later I have my first piece done… On my XYZ- da-chincy (misspelled on purpose) printer… In abs at a 90% fill… The only option available over 50% using their craptastic software/firmware. Wish me luck, I hope to finish printing in the next few months… If I can stop the filament jams…
5 days later 3 parts printed… 10 scrapped prints, 20 extruder jams… I had enough. 6 hours reseaching repetier firmware for my dachincy printer… 5 addition parts printed, the last 4 paused because of a filament tangle and finished sucessfully! Print detail… Much better… Jams… Solved by being able to bump the extruder temp. Why didn’t I do this before now??? Ugh.