Help to set up

Clear error and it show this.

I followed step on forum and set it to all the setting Ryan put on forum

I just got mpcnc and built it try to do manual movements to make sure it going in right direction. Then was going to do crown test.

What does the text on the bottom look like right after you connect?

I got the z to move but x and y doesn’t move at all.

Z move correct no x or y

Connect and I get a debug :info ,errors

Expand that message window up and do a little scrolling, if it is connected you will either see “Johnny”, or “Ryan” which one do you have?

Not sure what you asking

That little sections where it says debug errors, you can expand that section and scroll through it. There is a lot of information hidden.

All I get now is error printer halted anytime I manual move it. I can not get it to move in manual at all. Followed all the step

I try to move it error come up and this is what it says at bottom

It always says error, we need to see the rest, like this.

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machine never moved.

I can load crown program and will run program but machine will not move at all

That info is just there when you connect, no need to do anything else.

I suspect you are not actually connecting. If you can not expand and scroll the error window like I have shown in the screen shot you are not even connected, regardless of what the little icon says.

Side note, 3rd windows 7 laptop this week so far with issues. So either they do not work anymore for some reason, or you are all having a very similar issue.

What window is need to run this? Anyone come up with a fix for this?

Is google chrome compatible?

Do you have another computer or an LCD to run it with?

Win7 is officially done, but I can not imagine anything actually changing to make it not work. We are overlooking something.

No matter what you should be able to connect, moving is a whole different thing. Just connect, and expand and show more of the error message window, there is more for sure. Make your reptier window look like mine.


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