need help setting up touchplate on my octopus v1.1
need help setting up touchplate on my octopus v1.1
Consider sharing pic of your board.
I used the BL touch header pins (PB7) Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN set to PG11 (Diag 3 connector) commit and shared my Marlin edits at GitHub - aaronse/marlin_2.1.1_515 at octopus, hope info at v1engineering-mods/btt-octopus-v1.1 at main · aaronse/v1engineering-mods · GitHub helps.
thx aza hope it helps im not a master on vscode but ill try
@jafet, thanks for the pic, I can’t tell whether that’s a Pro or not?
Am using a regular Octopus v1.1 (not the Pro version). Shared the firmware that’s working for me at Bigtreetech octopus on Lowrider V3 - #40 by azab2c hope that helps!
its v1.1
ive try it but the motor make a like hissing sound an the dont move at all
Just reflashed my LR3 with the same firmware I shared on the other topic, works ok for me. The hissing/humming noise from the stepper motors is normal, they make that noise when turned on to hold their position, something that’s especially important to stop Z axis crashing down onto your work piece.
What happens when you connect with USB using Repetier 250000 baud rate, and/or using your preferred CNC controller software?
Before attaching the stepper motors, I mounted the drivers connected via USB, did some sanity tests via M122, this helped me identify I inserted drivers wrong. Next I wired up board to endstops, M119 checked they’re all configured and working as expected, I needed to swap and repair a couple. Next flashed and added ESP32U Wifi Module (PITA to flash compared to updating Octopus), connected steppers, did some small slow movement tests, fixed reverse stepper, then eventually worked up towards doing Rapid XY 1000 IPM (25400mm/min) speed test.
From Configuration.h, that binary should allow USB, Wifi Module or TFT Screen serial connections…
2023/2/12 Edit: Commented/Set BAUDRATE_2 to 250000 effectively. Was able to do that after ensuring ESP3D Web UI settings had the same baud rate configured.
i got everything moving but X motor dosent move at all
ive try diferent motors but its not the motor i thik is something with my vs build
Using TMC 2209 or something else? If TMC2209, what does M122 tell you about driver that X Stepper is connected to?
Suspected my driver was broken at one point, so I powered down everything. Then swapped location of a couple of drivers. Then powered back up. Turns out the drivers were fine, but I had put one driver in the wrong slot, I left a gap, but shouldn’t have.
i think is the board coz it say now (all low )
Consider sharing command output and high res pic of wiring setup. Lots of sharp eyed helpful people here
i think the board is done con it wont even read the micro sd card
and 4 green light on te board ar turn on en it keeps restarting it self
im goig to buy a board from Ryan
pre flash is not worth beatting my head on it
thx Aza