I’ve posted a few times before here, and people have been amazing. I feel like a jerk for not giving back, though, so once I make it through this laser setup I promise to write a comprehensive guide on how to do it with the context I have.
I have been using my MPCNC for a few months, and getting great use out of it – however, I always wanted to get into laser engraving (and cutting thinner wood). I don’t have the room for two separate installations, so I tried to figure out a way to integrate the laser with the existing mount. I found a pretty good mount, and then added a panel to the one side. It’s not X/Y centered, but nothing I’m doing will heavily depend on that (and I think I can just setup offsets for “laser mode”, anyhow).
I’ve been researching and educating myself over the last few months, and then the last few weeks while parts came in. I ordered this laser: https://www.amazon.ca/Engraving-Adapter-Adjustable-Engraver-Cutting/dp/B09KGXGH4W/ It’s not the best, but it seems to work so far. If you have recommendations otherwise, please share them! I wanted one that would cut through 5mm wood and wasn’t $400. Its specs are : +12v 2.5A / 40W / 5W OOP. You can find more on that link if you are interested.
A few photos of my setup, so you have some visual context:
The laser is connected with a 3 pin wire (+12v / - / PWM 5V). I initially tried to wire as this other user has done:
…but I could not get the power to turn on via the LCD Laser Control menu. I figure this is a matter of changing a pin in the firmware, which I can do, but I’ve read about 4 different ways to do that and am confused by which road to take. Some guides that seem would appeal to my setup are written in 2018, and don’t line up exactly with the current state of things. I decided to use my external power supply until I could figure that out. My external power supply allows 3-24.5v (2A). At the recommended 12v that the laser wants, it barely burns. Temporarily, I raised the voltage and eventually could see the laser burning wood. The Laser Control menu options, such as the power level and toggling the laser’s power don’t appear to do anything or change the appearance of the laser. I figure if the laser is being told “set power to 4”, that is a PWM thing and not to do with the +12v coming in. I’ve also seen a few people argue that powering the laser and gantry on the same board is not considered the “right way”, so I’m conflicted about how to power the laser.
In short, could you help me understand:
– Which power source should I use to power the laser? If it’s the fan connectors, what would I need to change in pins_RAMBO.h or Configuration_adv.h to make that happen?
– Is PIN 45 the right choice for PWM and my particular laser? I feel like me needing to hike the power up to get the laser to burn anything tells me I don’t have the PWM thing figured out, either.
– Does anyone use the Laser Control menu available? If so, is it possible to have the functionality in the menu work completely, or is that a “best case scenario” sort of situation? I am fine with having an external power supply and a button if that’s the “right way”, I just want to make sure I understand what’s considered normal.
Thank you kindly for any help that you can provide, and the hopes that it can help others, too. As I mentioned, I intend to give back and make this a more connected experience for others once I figure it out