Ok, here’s the deal. I built my MPCNC to be a laser engraver, and it works well for that purpose. However, I took some minor shortcuts, in that I didn’t drill the tool mount for the Z axis because I had a mount for the laser printed up that clasped the outside of the pipes.
I want to build another machine for dedicated 3d printing. I haven’t decided if I want to do another MPCNC or go another route, but either way - 99% of DIY 3d printers require 3d printed parts. D’oh. If I don’t have a 3d printer…where the heck do I get the parts? Getting that sourced is crazy expensive. The last one I was looking to build (D-Bot on Thingiverse) looked to be about $160 in just 3d printed parts alone if printed commercially.
So, I want to step into 3d printing a little, and figured maybe just upgrading my MPCNC is a first step, and then decide if I want to build a second one for printing or choose another DIY machine.
But I know NOTHING about 3d printers.
Right now, the only thing I know I’d need to do is take my Z rails off and drill/install the tool mounts inside and either buy the printer end/mount from here, or pay to have a different mount for a different printer printed and sent to me.
So, I’d like advice on that option.
Also, I bought the base kit (printed parts, and electronics) from here. What changes, do I need to do in regards to additional electronics, power, etc to make sure I can power a printer head, and possibly a heated bed?
Help a brother out with 3d printer basics.