Heater Error

I recently built my first machine. I have everything working manually. But when I have something running I get

“Error: Heating Failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: 0”

I bought all the parts from Vicious 1.

I have tried a thermistor and a resistor on jumper “T0” as described in you instructions, but still get this error within a few seconds of running

Looks like maybe you aren’t using my firmware? What control board are you using? The resistor isn’t needed anymore. What are you trying to do with it print or mill?

If you look through the questions in the sticky you’ll get an idea of what is needed to help you out.

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I’m using your ramps 1.4 it was a package.

How do I check the firmware to see what it is?

I’m making a Mill

Where did you get it from? If you did not buy it from me you 100% will need to flash it. The instructions are on the firmware page. If that is the case you should follow the steps on this page carefully after that.

How are you making your gcode?

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Everything came from you store. Except for the printed parts. That took a month to print

I use Fusion 360 Pr0

Right know I’m using your test print of the Crown

I’ll see if I can get my I.T. guy at work to come over and flash it. I don’t mess with that. I know I would screw it up.


If you got it from me, and you are using my crown gcode there actually should be no way it doesn’t work. How exactly are you doing it?

My board come flashed with the temp disabled and set at 170 so either way it would work, and the crown gcode does not call for an extruder temp. Something else is wrong.

Can you get very detailed in what exactly you are doing.

I down loaded you file for the crown.

I changed the extension on the file to .GCODE

Then using the Repeater Host software I load that file.

I set the position on the paper for x,y and z.

I plug in the USB. Then the power.

I hit connect.

I hit start and it runs for a few seconds, then stops and I get the error.

Same one every time.

I have your Red Ramps board.

I haven’t done anything but hooked the wires up.

I might find my order.

Thank you for any help

Are you using a MAC?

Try flashing the new firmware, sounds like you might have had this for a while if you have a resistor. There should be no issues with that work flow. The instructions on that page are step by step.

Or your resistor has a bad connection.

I found the problem.

When I set this new printer up. The quick buttons carried over to the CNC. After talking with you I thought to look at the 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5 buttons

I had gcode temperature setting. I deleted them and removed the resistor.

Work great.

Thanks for talking me through this.

Awesome I am so glad you stuck with it and didn’t give up.