GRBL Ramps LightBurn

I managed to make some traces but in a haphazard manner, I tried to perform a material cutting test via the LightBurn tool.

However, the CNC goes to the point where it is supposed to start cutting, turns on the laser, and then stops. I often get the error in the console:
Starting stream
Layer Pass 1 of 5
error: Unsupported command
Online or almost online 0:
Task interrupted

Here is the beginning of my gcode:
; LightBurn 1.5.00
; GRBL-M3 (1.1e or earlier) device profile, user origin
; Bounds: X58.97 Y53.55 to X141.03 Y146.45
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
G0 X0 Y0
; Cut @ 1000 mm/min, 90% power
G0 X-6.041Y40.753
; Layer Pass 1 of 5
G1 Y2.685S229.5F1000
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
; Layer Pass 2 of 5
G1 Y2.685
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
; Layer Pass 3 of 5


I think there should be a space before the F in the G1 line immediately after the M3 line, but I’m not 100% certain.

Thanks for your answer, i put an space before all F (total of 12).
The cnc made two pass and stop. I don’t know why.
E; LightBurn 1.5.00
; GRBL-M3 (1.1e or earlier) device profile, user origin
; Bounds: X58.97 Y53.55 to X141.03 Y146.45
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
G0 X0 Y0
; Cut @ 1000 mm/min, 90% power
G0 X-6.041Y40.753
; Layer Pass 1 of 5
G1 Y2.685S229.5F 1000
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
; Layer Pass 2 of 5
G1 Y2.685
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
; Layer Pass 3 of 5
G1 Y2.685
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
; Layer Pass 4 of 5
G1 Y2.685
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
; Layer Pass 5 of 5
G1 Y2.685
G1 X0.284
G1 Y-2.685
G1 X-0.284
G0 X0.752Y0
; Layer Pass 1 of 5
G1 Y1.945
G1 X0.237
G1 Y-0.276
G1 X0.095Y0.14

is not a security of heat or other ? I made 6 pass on simple rectangle, and stop at 2 and half

What drivers are you using with the RAMPS board? If the current is set too high they’ll shut themselves down when they get too hot. Some you set in firmware, others you need a volt meter and a screwdriver.


I’ve switched to Marlin, specifically the version from V1 Engineering. I can connect to my CNC via LightBurn and move it around without any issues. However, I can’t get the laser to turn on.

I’ve tested the voltage at pins 44 and 6 after attempting to activate the laser with M3 and then M42 255, but there’s no signal coming through.

I thought that switching to Marlin would simplify things, but that hasn’t been the case. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I run grbl on an Arduino Uno board. Can’t help with the specifics on Marlin, RAMPS, and lasers.

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I’m pretty sure the Ramps version doesn’t have the laser enabled. There is also something from Marlin where it only enables the laser when it is moving (and power is proportional to speed). But I don’t know the details.