G54/G55 not working

Moving the discussion from G54 work offset coordinates (bugfixed):

@steved, I continued the thread in the Software/Firmware category, as it might get more attention as a new topic in the correct area.

What else can you tell us about your setup? What board, drivers, build (endstops?), etc. are you working with? What’s your dev environment? Arduino? Platform.io in Visual Studio? Something else? Until we know more, we’d just be blind men flailing around in a strip club: Knocking over drinks and running into tables, but not getting a lot accomplished except by dumb luck.

Hmmmm… and you said you didn’t know me. :grinning:
Apparently it needed me to sleep, re-worked the code this morning and it’s working fine.
I have a MiniRambo, no end stops. Flashed with the latest firmware. My gcode is produced in Inkscape. I have a sharpie stuck to the side of my laser cuter. I offset the position of the sharpie and use it as a plotter. Once the alinement marks and part numbers are plotted on the material, zero is reset and the laser burns the patterns and cuts out the parts.
I used to do this with separate files and manually set the offsets. This is much nicer. Load the foam hit print and bang all the parts for a Boba Fett helmet ready for assembly.

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