G30 not responding

This is probably an easy one. I was hoping to use G30 to probe the depth of a pocket in order to manual set up some cuts, but it does not do anything. Sending thru CNCjs where I generally have full control otherwise. I am running dual endstop firmware (414D). Is there a feature I need to enable to be able to use it. Thanks.

You need to have a probe configured. The dual endstop firmware treats Z as a zmin endstop, not a probe. You can home Z with G28 Z.

Bummer. In the firmware it seems to call the Z Probe used for homing a probe, hence my confusion. So essentially the setup to set Z zero using the bit as a probe, is using it as an endstop? Could I splice in duplicate wires from that over to Zmax and tell the firmware to use Zmax as the bed probe? If so where in the firmware might that be? It seems I would have to enable bed leveling as well?

You can configure zmin to be an endstop and a probe. I don’t think you need to enable bed levelling for it to work. Some people have gotten G38 to work, which I think would be the same process:

You can find more people trying it if you look for G38. Keep in mind, the software has changed over time.

I changed my zmin to probe and now I can’t use it to home. I’m not sure that it makes a huge difference practically, but in repetier host (I use for sending code and setup control) it only updates 0 with home. In the console, I can see 0 when I g92, but the display never changes and it’s a little disconcerting.

Repetier host doesn’t trust the Marlin coordinates, and keeps their own record of the state. But also, they somehow don’t listen to the G92 command. So the numbers in RH will be wrong, and if you jog after setting G92 with RH, it will think it knows best, and send commands that aren’t right. At least, that’s what I’ve seen reported here.

You can send a @isathome, I think, and it should reset itself to 0,0,0. But just be careful not to trust RH (or switch to octoprint, or something).

Yeah, I’ve had issues like that, too. Maybe it’s time for me to learn some octoprint!

You can also try pronterface, or CNC.js or v1pi. I personally use pronterface for setup, and then use v1pi for jobs. I actually usually use octoprint, and not CNC.js.

Too many options… TOO MANY OPTIONS!!!

You should probably build the Nextion controller instead…

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Awwww COME ON!!!

What? You do have an oscillating overthruster, right?

Is that like a Turbo Encabulator?

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Uhhhh, I’ll have to ask my wife…

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