Fluid Dial (Fluid NC dial pendant by Bart Dring, using M5 Stack's M5 Dial)

I got it working and ran 3 jobs back to back with it. Never once touched the tablet. Its a little fiddly getting used to it. My fat fingers on that tiny ass screen LOL. But overall I like it. I need to print a new case for it as I just threw one together with whatever was in the printer just to see it work.

Also thinking ahead to adding this second one I have parts for to my full sheet machine… I smell an issue coming that I hope some of y’all might have a way around lol.

On that machine I run a RS485 board to control the VFD for my spindle. It plugs into the expansion port on the Jackpot, same place the add on board for the FluidDial plugs in. It also uses uart2. So is it possible to hook up somewhere else and use a uart3?? Maybe those ports on the bottom of the V1 ESP32? Or somewhere else easier I don’t know about?