Flashing TFT screen

Didnt work thru usb and other problem is my local walmart dosent sell 8gb micro sd cards

I don’t think that is it. This is driving me nuts, I thought I had shorted out 2 boards, they would not flash, nothing worked. I ordered the ST Link when it arrived I tried flashing them one more time and sure enough, they both flashed just fine. I just can’t remember what the heck I did in between or what jumpers I moved.

I know it probably seems like I was sending you on a wild ride, but I know I had everything unplugged, when they flashed. And I know I reformatted the card.

Something to try, SKR Pro V1.2 flashing problem with included microSD - solved ,

When you get a chance, let me see a picture of your board so I can look at your jumpers.

The only other issues I could find were LCD related and you have yours unplugged so that isn’t it.

Not through the USB just using it for power, still trying to flash with the microSD

I did also try the usb cable with the jumper not on usb and didnt work

That jumper is just for power not data.

The others look okay.

I would say pull the drivers just to be safe.

Shoot I guess the uart stick might be in order. I can’t remember what the heck I did but I thought it was just use USB or 12V power

I tried a different micro sd card and no luck🤦‍♂️

Is there a way to flash the board using tft screens sd card slot

Not that I know of. The board would have to be booted to even see the screen.

Nothing happens on the LCD correct?

The filename is correct?

The filename is firmware.bin i tried to make it FIRMWARE.bin but it kept making it all lowercase

Nothing happens on lcd

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The lcd works is what i mean i can switch from marlin mode to btt mode

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Just to make sure,
firmware.zip (106.2 KB)

Unzip that file and try it.

This doesn’t make any sense. I flash and test the boards, so it should not need to be flashed and if it did it has already proven to take a flash…actually I don’t think I have ever had a bad board out of the box yet.

didnt have any luck with that file

You wanna send it in or give it a shot with your st-link?

Ill give it a shot with st link and if that dosent work ill send it to you thanks for helping

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Someone on facebook group said to make a copy of firmware.bin and change it to firmware.cur while keeping firmware.bin on the card as well

The skr is supposed to change it, that is how you know it finished. Adding a .cur file on the card is not a good idea.