Flashing TFT screen

Do you have another microsd to use, if you are using one that came with it they are no good and seem to die more than most.

I bought the 32gb one from walmart its the only one ive used i didnt see one in any of the boxes

hmmm, try formatting it to fat 32 and see if it reads it better. I have only tried small cards.

Didnt work thru usb and other problem is my local walmart dosent sell 8gb micro sd cards

I don’t think that is it. This is driving me nuts, I thought I had shorted out 2 boards, they would not flash, nothing worked. I ordered the ST Link when it arrived I tried flashing them one more time and sure enough, they both flashed just fine. I just can’t remember what the heck I did in between or what jumpers I moved.

I know it probably seems like I was sending you on a wild ride, but I know I had everything unplugged, when they flashed. And I know I reformatted the card.

Something to try, SKR Pro V1.2 flashing problem with included microSD - solved ,

When you get a chance, let me see a picture of your board so I can look at your jumpers.

The only other issues I could find were LCD related and you have yours unplugged so that isn’t it.

Not through the USB just using it for power, still trying to flash with the microSD

I did also try the usb cable with the jumper not on usb and didnt work

That jumper is just for power not data.

The others look okay.

I would say pull the drivers just to be safe.

Shoot I guess the uart stick might be in order. I can’t remember what the heck I did but I thought it was just use USB or 12V power

I tried a different micro sd card and no luck🤦‍♂️

Is there a way to flash the board using tft screens sd card slot

Not that I know of. The board would have to be booted to even see the screen.

Nothing happens on the LCD correct?

The filename is correct?

The filename is firmware.bin i tried to make it FIRMWARE.bin but it kept making it all lowercase

Nothing happens on lcd

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The lcd works is what i mean i can switch from marlin mode to btt mode

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Just to make sure,
firmware.zip (106.2 KB)

Unzip that file and try it.

This doesn’t make any sense. I flash and test the boards, so it should not need to be flashed and if it did it has already proven to take a flash…actually I don’t think I have ever had a bad board out of the box yet.

didnt have any luck with that file

You wanna send it in or give it a shot with your st-link?