Flashing Rambo 1.4

I am re-flashing my board after the LCD screen went blank. want to make sure I do it right. I have been following the instructions on the V1 website. and think I am ready to try it. I am using a diode laser with it and am still confused about how to change the fan Pin setting to 45 as stated on the V1 website, so that i can control the on-off and intensity. here is a screen shot of the pin layout. Do I need to change the pin from 8 to 45 or is it ok, because the Laser shows that it is controlled by pin 45?
This code stuff is still new to me.
any advise is greatly appreciated. also is there a YT video out thee of anyone going through the steps like this that I can follow?

thanks, Kyle

The laser stuff is kinda in flux. I just received my new laser so I can start testing again.

There are two ways to do it with M106 or M3. Previously only M106 worked but I think M3 has been fixed now (and should be better).

Sorry I can’t really help other than to say I hope to do some testing myself soon. And best not to edit in notepad, Use vscode or arduino, whatever you are flashing with, sometimes the notepad can inject line breaks and stuff.

A bit of a side note, but it would be cool to assign a 5V pin on most of the boards as a laser or spindle pin. I guess the two aren’t compatible, but if there was a way to do that, we could save at least half those advanced users some time.

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Thanks for the replies, I have another question. which firmware version should I be using with my LR2, with a Rambo 1.4 board, not using duel end stops?


This one.

Hoping to get that sorted soon. Looks like I need to shelf the Zen again and work on this since this seems to be the most fequently asked question these days.

What would the spindle pin be for, on/off? Can’t the iot relays handle the fan pin’s 12v?

The amazon one can handle the 12V. That is a good point. If someone wants an easy (but relatively expensive) solution, they can do that. If they know enough to save $20, then they can change some pin assignments or make a converter circuit.

I am game for that. I do feel pretty frustrated answering the laser question because the answer is always, inconclusive.

Yeah, and it has been for a long time. Let me make a issue on the marlin builder side and we can take some notes over there. The bummer is I can’t test a laser in the office so I have to setup in the garage that just means it is less comfortable (slower) to do a lot of testing on all these boards.

Can you print a big chunk of plastic or cardboard or something to sink the laser? Hmmm. Might catch fire, I guess.

Maybe wet cardboard?

OK, so I downloaded the firmware, V1CNC_Rambo-, and loaded it into Arduino and clicked Verify and this is the message it gave me. how do I flash the board if the file is currupt? Im just trying to get the machine to work again. I have a blank screen on the LCD

Looks like you missed a step and haven’t installed the u8glib library. Take a look at the docs, they show all the steps, including that one.

I don’t know that arduino works anymore. Platform.io does for sure I use it daily.

If what you’re looking to test is pin assignments and power levels, couldn’t you use a non-burning laser (or even a regular LED) as a stand-in? Then you could test indoors at lower risk. You could even dust off the PID controller and a desk lamp for testing purposes as it uses the same PWM signals.

Not really, Part of the issue is timing or the command queue being out of order for the laser stuff. Can’t really tell if M3 works without burning something.

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That makes sense. I didn’t realize you needed to be debugging that part of things too.

I’m resisting (unsuccessfully) saying I’m spoiled by grbl laser mode.

your link for Platform.io sent me to a online bidding program. how does that help me load firmware?

platformio .org

From the firmware page there are links on how to use it. https://docs.v1engineering.com/electronics/marlin-firmware/, here is the direct link to the instructions, https://docs.v1engineering.com/learn/platformio/

Is it possible to make the forums not link platform.io? I specifically write platformio to avoid it.

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Thanks for the help, I was able to use the paltform sofrware and i now have the board working again, but now I am trying to get the program to control the laser.
this is the screen shot where I think that the change is to be made, so the Spindle_LAser_PWN_PIn shows 45. the FAN_PIN shows 8. do I need to change the 8 to 45? click save and then send that to the board?
You might be tired of me asking this but being a noob I need step by step, and sometimes pic’s, to help me lern.

I am trying to sort out the laser stuff. I have to test those settings before I commit them. I should have something up for the top three boards in a day or two…fingers crossed.

You can follow along here. https://github.com/V1EngineeringInc/MarlinBuilder/issues/46