(Fixed) Communication timeout reset send buffer block

I was getting an error “communication timeout reset send buffer block” in Repetier host. Also, in device manager there was a USB2.0-Serial with missing drivers. Repetier host was able to connect to the arduino on COM4, but nothing would move. I was able to fix the problem by downloading this driver:

The arduino then showed up on COM6 and is now moving.

Does not work at all.
My spindle is 52mm made in china 500w DC motor, when it is on, a “communication timeout reset send buffer block” will appear after motor is on. I tried run .nc file without motor on, it is OK, so the problem must be interfere from DC motor, it has a brush, may generate spark. I also tried wrap the arduino box with foil, does not work ether.

I wonder, there are lots of people in this site using same DC motor, how do you guys solve this problem?

Cam across this thread because I had the same message. The original post is for sure a driver issue, could connect, could not communicate. Saw a port but couldn’t send characters without a proper driver.

The second post was what I was running into almost exactly… I had my MPCNC working using a mega2560/RAMPS combo driving a similar 52mm Amazon 500W spindle. It was a brand new setup. wires hanging everywhere. I built a small PWM to 0-10V board using the ESTLCAM schematic and was controlling the spindle from software. I found the bug in marlin so I had it working using RPM commands. It was working great. I did some 8 hour CNC jobs no issues.

Then I cleaned things up. Folded some of the wires up and stuffed them in the cable chain to make things neat. Mounted the mega2560/RAMPS on the MPCNC base. Looked pretty good. Unfortunately it started throwing the communication timeout reset messages.

I tried it without the spindle running and the job would finish fine. I figured the same thing as the poster above had suggested. Electrical noise from the spindle was being inductively picked up by the wires since I cleaned them up and they were now closer together instead of a hairball all spread apart. So I took the spindle wires out of the cable chain and gave them some distance. No change. New theory. I decided all the spare wires I had folded up into the cable chain were now acting like coils so I did what I should have done originally and made the wires the proper length to reduce cable run length and thus reduce the inductive pickup. No change. New theory. I decided that my PWM to 0-10v converter board was introducing noise into the arduino and causing issues. So I removed the board and the connection to the arduino and put the speed control pot back in the Mach 3 speed control and manually ran the spindle. This improved things enough that I was sure I had it but 35 minutes into my first test it did the same thing. (always using the same GCODE so the GCODE itself wasn’t in question and it was stopping at a different place in the CGODE every time)

Final theory… I hope…


When I was first using the setup my mega2560 and RAMPS boards were loosely attached to a mount plate and the plate was literally sitting on the table. All my troubles started when I mounted the mega2560/RAMPS to the base of the MPCNC machine. Things vibrate pretty good when the MPCNC is milling… I believe that my mega2560 has a bad solder connection on the communication chip or on the processor itself and when there is vibration there is a connection break and communication fails or the communication chip resets and drops a buffer full or something along those lines.

Current test of theory is detaching the mega2560/RAMPS from the MPCNC base and let it hang by the wires. It just finished the 37 minute test print no issues WITH PWM to 0-10V spindle control board connected etc.

I am planning on taking the mega2560 board to work and examining the solder connections under a microscope to confirm my theory. I will follow up.