Fishtacos MP3DP.

Does it all work without the lcd? Through Repetier?

I haven’t tried that yet.

Cant get it to work, Unless i use only usb, It will tell me it hit a stop. If I plug it into the wall it tells me com 3 does not exist.

I’m just going to order a new set up. And a new driver just incase, as the extra one I ordered for the extruder got up and walked away…

The Arduino can get power several ways. Either through the USB, or by the 12V. If it’s from the 12V, then it has to go through that 5V regulator. There is also a diode (D1, is how it’s labelled, I think) that connects the 12V to the regulator. There is another place where you can connect up 5V, on the ramps board, but you’d need another reduglator to get the 12V to 5V. It’s labelled Vcc and it’s near the X1 driver.

But honestly, even if you figure everything out to get it working, I’d order another. It’s just going to get blamed for everything until you replace it. If there’s a microcenter near you, they have the knock off megas for like $10.

Microcenter even has the ramps boards.

The ramps (or maybe it was the drivers) were crazy expensive though.

Thanks for the advice, but to keep things simple i ordered another on from the shop here. Id rather pay a bit more and have everything i need incase something else got messed up too. At least ill know for sure. If the ramps is still good ill use it on my second printer or mpcnc. I’ll find a usb powered project for the busted Arduino.

Can anyone help me with loading the MP3dp firmware?

I’m getting this error when I try,

Arduino: 1.8.1 (Windows Store (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)”

C:\Users\chris\Downloads\MP3DP_RC8 (1)\MP3DP_RC8\MP3DP_RC8.ino:51:110: fatal error: U8glib.h: No such file or directory

 #include <U8glib.h> // library for graphics LCD by Oli Kraus (


compilation terminated.

exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560.

This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

your missing the file that is linked in your error message. Then you need to install it into your arduino library

Looks great man. Very glad to see those parts in action! Like others have said, I think the 5v reg on the mega went south. Been there myself. Cant wait for more progress.

Thanks for your help man, I don’t think I could have done it with out you. I got the new board into day, I just got the firmware loaded, Got my bed on. Now I just need to make sure I wire the stops right, I’d looked up another diagram but the ones I followed had me wire the steppers up backwards, so I don’t know what to trust right now. Messing with the stops is what caused my board to fry in the first place.

Signal and ground, no power!

Wired to the NC (normally closed) terminals of the switches.

Well I hit another snag, The extruder motor won’t work when it’s plugged in the extruder #1 on the ramps. I’ve moved both the drive and motor over the the x plugs to make sure neither was at fault and they both worked there. Any ideas?

Extruder motor won’t turn if extruder is not up to proper temperature.

Yeah, after eating I did a search and figured out that it won’t allow that. So I got the hot end wired and it’s working like it should. Just to extend some fan wires now and good to go.

Plus some cable management, which I’m sure i’ll spend the rest of the night doing. lol.

Okay guys, One more question, Where do i plug the fans in? I’m looking around the net but it’s all over the place.

The fan on the extruder body gets pulgged into constant power, usually on the green plug, and the print fan, the one that blows on the part, gets plugged into D9 the middle port.

I didn’t like connecting mine to the green input power (but I’m probably paranoid). I just worry it will somehow dislodge those larger cables, but crazy aside, there is also power on the second extruder connection, which normally powers the stepper driver.

The green connection or to the PSU is probably the easiest though.

Yeah, it seems fine.

I got it printing! But i need to bed level a bit better and this thing kind of stinks.

Anyone else notice that smell? No its not my filiament.

Maybe fish tacos smell…