First off, you are all bad influences. Canadian Zenxy build

You got a hole in your table, did you notice that? :stuck_out_tongue:
And wow, you have got to buy quite a lot of presents. My birthday calendar has my parents, kids and three closest friends. :smiley: I always forget when my wife’s got her birthday… :joy:

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Probably less than you expect, Enough to cover the bottom, but you don’t really want it very deep. If you’re using a 1/2" ball, then you only want a bit more than 1/8" deep, 3/16" at most. (3-5mm deep for a 12mm ball, for those of us in the metric world.) Remember that the BS will be packed more tightly in the box than it will be in your table, plan for about 25% expansion.


Small update. I cut a hole for some wires to run on the underside and now I am assembling the gantry.


Some updates


Yes we have success
So happy!!!
thanks to everyone for all the help. Maybe this will be all setup for the Easter dinner :wink:


More progress but also some issues with the end stops and getting the hard stops enabled.
Won’t save in webui

But otherwise it’s working out.


That is looking good so far!

Thanks it was a lot of fun for sure.
I might need to narrow the long way a bit as it’s like 6” un viewable and ppl’s legs or clothing may get bit by the belts. But that’s a easy cut and re tension thing.
Thanks so much for the amazing design and idea.
Unfortunately I don’t think I will be able to contribute to sand patterns for Jeff and the reprap thing.

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I have put way too much powder in, so I am tuning it in a bit.


Looking good!!!

I have a little comb tool in the zen files, I hope, I use that to get the “sand” pretty flat and consistent when I make a new table or change out the soda. Then I run a few clearing paths left to right and up and down, then kinda knock down the outer edge. After that it stays pretty good and I usually don’t touch it again.


Awesome thanks for the tips and all the hard work that went into these projects.
I think I printed the comb a while ago I will have to try that !!!
It’s so much fun one thing I noticed is that my letter are all mirrored bc of the way it’s “drawing”


That is weird, it homes fine for you? I would think homing would not work if letters are backwards…if it is not homing correctly that means you need to play the plug rotate and shuffle game to get it right. CoreXY is kinda funky. The side with the homing switches is “X” after that you need to flips the plugs over to get them right. It is a mind bender.

If it were me, I would make it all stock and just remember to rotate your designs in sandify. That way letters are correct and all that.


It looks really cool. A lot of that will level itself out after some eraser patterns.

A positive X move will move right. A positive Y movement will move away from you. If your X is backwards, you might have one of the steppers moving backwards, or more likely, you have X and Y motors swapped.

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I think my one axis is backwards. Y- goes away from me.
And I don’t have any end stops I am just running basic basic now like 500x500
Even tho I am 1250x760
Just to. It crash and get some patterns going.
I did find the comb but it was for the zenxy 1 I assume this is the one to use ?

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Also thanks for the praise !!
It matches my ss acrylic ender glow railing I made.
I can’t wait till I finish my lr3 table so I can do some fancy pants patters on the acrylic panels.

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First let’s set the perspective. Home 0,0 is teh corner with the endstops, if you are facing the machine endstops are at your left hip. Y+ is moving away from the endstops, X+ moves away to the right.

Sounds like you need to do some plug swapping. Remember to power down before you do that.

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This is how it prints.
So I should try swapping the polarity of the stepper wires ? Like just the coil
It is Supposed to say happy Easter

Flip the plug over. That reverses it.

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Will do man thanks for the help.
These plugs are keyed and only go in one way. On the v2 board
So I will just physically reposition the wires into the plug.
Don’t bother with my silly stuff your probably running around like a wild man for the big show.
I don’t want to distract from that haha I will flip the wires and report back.

For that yes you can just swap two wires in your plug, that will reverse your stepper…you might need to reverse them both. CoreXY is not easy to get right.

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