Hi, Ryan and friends. I am building my first MPCNC machine here in Brazil and almost everything in the software and electonics stuff are new for me. So I am doing very slow trying to understand and learn at same time. I need some help from you on the firmware from Marlin. I have downloaded the files you indicated in the site including the file above mentioned by RAGII. But my doubts are:
What are the exact parameters that I need to upload in the Arduino board knowing that I will use the machine to cut foam with niddle fly wheel. At this first attempt, I will not use the machine as a 3D printer.
Is the procedure just this? Just copy the parameters and save them on the Arduino board?
What are the first running tests I need to do?
Could you suggest some videos or posts in this forum that could help me?
4)let me know if you need more help. This is all standard stuff google can also be useful, none of this is specific to the mpcnc except my preconfigured marlin.
/* All the implementation is done in *.cpp files to get better compatibility with avr-gcc without the Arduino IDE /
/ Use this file to help the Arduino IDE find which Arduino libraries are needed and to keep documentation on GCode */
#include “Configuration.h” #include “pins.h”
#if ENABLED(ULTRA_LCD) #if ENABLED(LCD_I2C_TYPE_PCF8575) #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #elif ENABLED(LCD_I2C_TYPE_MCP23017) || ENABLED(LCD_I2C_TYPE_MCP23008) #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidTWI2.h> #elif ENABLED(LCM1602) #include <Wire.h> #include <LCD.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #elif ENABLED(DOGLCD) #include <U8glib.h> // library for graphics LCD by Oli Kraus (https://github.com/olikraus/U8glib_Arduino) #else #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // library for character LCD #endif #endif
With arduino’s software closed double click on my .ino file that has the same name as the folder you unzipped. it should load a bunch of tabs in arduino, then flash. Like this video.