Finger Painting

First attempt at dragging paintbrush through blobs of paint like seen here:

Paper is ordinary office typing paper and I had no idea how much paint to use or what type of brush. Just winging it, and then I’ll refine from there.

Alignment is off too. It can only improve from here!


This is one of those instances where, as @Tokoloshe always says: you absolutely need to try trochoidal milling!!! :smiley:


This is actually a great idea. :yum:


Oh man that is cool. Next up, pneumatic dropper

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I like your painting and want to try something similar. I saw this the other day and your painting made me think of it …

It is on my list to try and do a watercolor painting though I’d probably use liquid paint not solids.

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This is another moment I think about a combination of airbrush and lowrider…

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Airbrush would be cool… Sidewalk artist (spray painters). Would that be with or without the flame torch dry method?

That watercolor is awesome.

One thing I didn’t really think about is the CAM side and how I would generate toolpaths. I’ve got EstlCam and I suppose I could try Sandify, but for full creative control over the toolpath I need to make a program. It should have been obvious but I didn’t think ahead that far :laughing:.


Just the two sentences from the timestamp are important in this case. :smiley:

For a second, I thought maybe you’d somehow mixed r/badwomensanatomy/ and Georgia O’Keefe in a midjourney prompt…

Just need a ‘homing’ sequence that can go pick up fresh paint from a pot off to the side.

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Oh that is not a bad idea, you can make each segment a different tool and have a tool change macro that is just move, dip, return.
How fun is this idea. Jamie you are crazy to come up with these things!


You can’t use the same brush or the colors will mix and everything turns brown.

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I was thinking to refill the same color. didn’t think far enough ahead to swap colors :laughing:…differnt job. One color ends swap the brush and color start the next job.

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One cup for water :thinking: I might need to add brush in v1e map query :joy:

Just automating the brush cleaning would make it worth it.


The machine needs a new gcode for ‘vibrate’ mode to fully clean the bristles.


Just plunge the brush in a small ultrasonic bath on a corner of the table, and activate for 30sec through the jackpot! :stuck_out_tongue:


Is brush cleaning necessary? Jamie made a multi colored marker attachment before… So, what about a multi brush setup, something conceptually like…

Given the topic name, consider using severed fingers from cybertruck youtubers instead of brushes?


There’s GOT to be a backstory in that … :rotating_light:

What nightmare of a prompt gave you that abomination of a visualization :smile: