FIles another format for edit, not just stl

Hi, I want to get the files in another format to edit them,like stp o solidpart.
I already try import stl to other formats, but isn’t too good.
Thanks in advance.

The only solid files I have released are the blank tool mount on thingiverse.

Ok, thanks for your fast reply.
I’m try some cuts today for first time :). I check my machine isn’t really squared. I use stainless steel
25.4mm, easy to find here, in Argentine.
Well I try to up some pics, here is ok, or in another sections of forum?

As far as I can tell you will not be able to square up the 25.4mm conduit. It doesn’t really fit. I am working on a new set for that size but it is not done yet. Sorry.

Ok, thanks.
One pic of my mpcnc.

Motor mount converted to dxf for laser.

I just got a k40 laser and anything i can laser instead of print saves a ton of time