Did you buy everything from here?
everything was initially purchased from here. however, upon plugging in the mega for this first time, I heard a small pop and looked over to find that my mega was releasing blue smoke. I ordered a mega off of amazon and substituted it for the broken one.
b)What firmware?
I am currently running the no lcd marlin firmware supplied on the website
Are you using end stops?
none yet.
Are you using all my recommended parts?
when I try out a print, I find that the extruder just lets out a loud squeaking noise that cant be good for it. I tried without the 1.75 mm filament and it just emmited the same horrible noise. I’m fairly sure its hardware related, but am unsure how to fix it.
never mind, I realized that
first of all, an oscilloscope was never involved
and second of all, that there was no need for me to set them myself, as I could just order them on your store