I have been trying estlcam 9 since my new build, and I am really liking the features so far. Naturally I wanted to try the machine control so I used the CNC program generation in estlcam and programmed the ramps board I bought from here to control the MPCNC. It has been working great for carving and the drag knife.
In comes a laser.
I got the MPCNC image2gcode software, and made a few files.
I don’t see a method in which we can use the generated gcode in estlcam like it does in repetier host. (S codes using the fan)
So I try to use repetier host, only now the machine wont respond thru repetier. I can connect, but it just adds the commands to a que.
Works fine in estlecam for control, but not in repetier. I have rebooted ect to no avail…the com port and baud settings are the same, estlcam can always connect fine.
So I have 2 questions.
Under laser in estlcam there are settings. Is there a specific way to dictate to estlcam to use the M106S codes and M107 the image2gcode generates?
Is there something I need to reset/comment/un-comment in order to get the machine control back in repetier for other uses, and still be able to use estlcam? I did try the restore option in estlcam, but there was nothing to restore…no file. (I am assuming that when I reprogrammed the arduino via estlcam some settings that repetier uses changed somehow, as machine control was working before this change)
Thanks in advance