ESP32 usb-c UART boooting issue MPCNC//Jackpot

Hi ryan

i have a jackpot board batch 24082 with USB-C ESP32 version

first: it seams that the footprint is not adapted for this version of ESP
jackpot esp footprint is 25.4mm and the esp32usb-C is aprox. 22.4

second: i have some issues on the booting process. When i boot via the esp with the usb and fluid term it’s ok it’s start i get the WEBUI ok
if i start the jackpot with the 24V only webservice doesn’t start. it connect to wifi but not the webui.

another strange behaviour is that sometime and i don’t know why perhaps because i started every things connected i get Xmotor 2 and Ymotor 2 not moving. they are holded but not moving

the last issue make me thing about some uart issue …

i have at home an ESP32 wroom V1 micro usb i should try with this one

oh iam using 3.7.15 version

Correct, but a little persuasion and the fit right in. This was listed on the shop page and you had to email me to make this substitution.

If you have a very early Jackpot you need to add a pullup resistor 4.7k. The rest might be explained but the poor booting.

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Thanks Ryan
Can you tell where do I have put this resistor ?

It goes from the 3.3v pin to pin0


I check that !

Just another question
I would like to use m5stack as fuildnc dial pendant on gpio 13&14
and usb control via UGS as gcodde sender and visualiser

How do I have write the uart config sections ?

I’m not sure. I haven’t messed with the pendant yet. Might check this thread…

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You need to add the UART2 section. I’m going through a build right now and am troubleshooting that as it turns out.

My thread is here:

this the board i’ve got

and the esp devkit

i am using this PSU

i still not tried the 4k7 pullup resistor for. the moment (i need to buy some)
by the way i tried several ESP 32 WROOM micro-usb version (from AZDELIVERY)
i tried this ESP32 NodeMCU

and this one ESP-32 Dev Kit C V4

and i get the same behaviour…

That’s a v1.2 board so it has the pull up resistor already.

At this point we need to see the boot messages from the terminal.

Power up on 24V, connect either fluidterm or the web UI, then quote us the output when you send


and then


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sorry for the long absence

i find the problem
it came from the esp32
i tried 4 differents ESP dev kits…
perhaps blow due to an incorrect wiring …

know all is working well with a m5 stack dial as well

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I’m curious if you know and could elaborate on what miswiring caused you to blow esp32s but still have a functioning jackpot.

I’m always trying to learn how to troubleshoot better.

i don’t know
i was unable to put them in DFU mode
they also get UART error managing the TMC2209 // very strange

Since i ordered DEV kits WROOM-32D all is working lovely !!
i’m an happy guy !