Esp32 board not seating into Jackpot Pins?

The ESP32 board pins do not align with the Jackpt board pins.
Each pin row looks to be approx. 2mm out of alignment :frowning:

Is there a particular ESP32 board I should be using with the Jackpot board ?

Here’s a couple of pix to help clarify this issue.

Check this topic out. I had to bend my pins out slightly Not all ESP-32's are equal

Hi Alan,
Thanks so much for your reply… Yeah I was thinking the same. I started to bend the pins out slightly but was worried about damaging the ESP board.
Will give it a crack :slight_smile:
( EDIT - works fine now…)


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Bart Dring’s boards have a double header on one side of the ESP32 mount to deal with that, but it’s more expensive, of course.

Ryan opted for a single header with the Jackpot, but it makes the narrower ESP32 boards harder to fit. Not impossible though!

My plan is to swap out the ole SKR PRO board that I have installed in my LowRider 2 with this new JackPot board. note: The SKR Pro USB connection was very loose and often lost power to comms. Should be esy enough to swap over as the drivers are C2209s. At least until I can upgrade to a LowRider 4.
Fingers X

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