(Stefan Podlesak)
December 21, 2024, 9:00am
Hi there!
I am having a bit of an issue within SKR pro v1.2 and the esp01s WiFi module.
I flashed everything with the provided files.
I had the btt firmware running and was able to do a setup with esp3d.
Then I found the files by Ryan with the dedicated files for v1 cnc esp 3d.
After reflashing, I can’t establish a connection via WiFi.
I always get the same error page.
I tried to flash everything from the ground up, but it did not help.
Anyone who’s got a idea what I can try?
December 21, 2024, 6:07pm
I would think the JSON error in the upper corner is rhe issue, looks like the config file is corrupted with something.
(Stefan Podlesak)
December 21, 2024, 6:58pm
And how do you think can this be resolved? Any idea?
December 21, 2024, 8:53pm
The configuration file needs to be inspected, repaired and re-uploaded via the USB interface used to flash the ESP01S
(Stefan Podlesak)
December 21, 2024, 9:19pm
So when I have a new ESP01S in spare, I can try this one? I have no usb interface suddenly
There’s a great guide to follow in the forum post here:
If you are looking to add the little ESP01 board to your SKR board to control your MPCNC or Lowrider or whatever CNC device you are trying to wifi enable then I hope this post helps you avoid the struggles I went through. I really had trouble finding all the pieces required. I am doing this for an MPCNC with SKR Pro V1.2 with TFT35 E3 V3.0 running dual endstop V1 firmware V515. Just works!!!
First you need an ESP-01S like this (note: ESP-01 has less memory than ESP-01S so make sure you have an…
The ESP-01S is pretty affordable, I got a kit with 3 of them and the programmer for under $20 on Amazon. Those ESP-01S also can run other firmware that bridges serial UART connections, very useful
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