The following program was hand written in NC Viewier and runs fine in that environment. My MPCNC Primo has been working fine with tweaked Fusion 360 programs (removing residual spindle speeds etc.)
My machine won’t get past line 1, reporting back an Error 1 Expecting a Gcode letter. Help please?
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
; Above set zero location, XY plane, Millimeter units, Relataive
; Program mills 13 6mm dia holes in a row, 9mm deep starting from X=0 Y=0
; after positioned above far right position manually ie. program moves to the left.
; Move to position that puts the 1/8" mill to the outside edge of a 6mm hole
G01 X-1.413 Y0
; Clockwise 1/2 circle to other side of 6mm hole allowing for tool dia.and begin descent by .25mm per 1/2 revolution
G02 X2.825 Y0 Z-.25 R1.413 F100
G02 X-2.825 Y0 Z-.25 R1.413 F100 ; Finish circle back to beginning
; Repeat circle and step down until 9mm
G02 X2.825 Y0 Z-.25 R1.413 F100
G02 X-2.825 Y0 Z-.25 R1.413 F100
G02 X2.825 Y0 Z-.25 R1.413 F100
G02 X-2.825 Y0 Z-.25 R1.413 F100.... etc
Taking a working program I tucked my code for the new program in after the first few lines, using Notepad as the editor. It worked
Desiring to make some tweaks using NCViewer because it has line counts I ‘saved’ that (it downloads the file), but subsequently it didn’t work.
Same changes made in notepad did work. So convinced that the download saving process from NCViewer must be the problem.
Thanks again for taking a look.