Then your 5V regulator is dead, same reason I stopped carrying import ramps. If you can solder I have regs in the shop but it might be cheaper just to buy a new ramps.
I’ve got Arduino Mega, LCD, Ramps and the Driver from about 2 years ago… I’ve just started to build MPCNC December last. But I remember that screen never worked if Arduino isn’t plugged by USB. I think Ramps already came fried, because three mosfets looks intact and not even smells burned.
I’ve looked the Ultimachine’s boards you are using now. We don’t need to care about Arduino and driver, its “all in one board”. Its amazing! Unfortunately it is very expensive converting to my country’s currency and import taxes. By now I’ll take another Ramps, that costs less than 10 dollars here and I’ll find another way to contribute with your project.
With the Ramps boards, it is typically the Mega that fails. The Ramps hat part (the part that carries the drivers and plugs) may still be good. Test the old one with a new Mega. You may find it still works.