Der Froschkönig - Lowrider 3 in Oldenburg, Germany

The Open CNC Shield 2 is kind of massive…

In my hubris wanting to use Estlcam I also forgot that I need to have a USB cable connected to the board at all times. My Lowrider is only going to be 800mm in Y, so it might work… :smiley:

Okay gang, I have something to consider: Should I go crazy and commit wholly to the frog theme? Should my YZ plates look like this? I really like the idea but I am not sure it wouldn’t annoy me after a while.


It definitely needs a crown on top!

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I’d might print a crown later (and we all know there is only one crown to rule them all!). :smiley: I definitely know that that would annoy the hell out of me very soon. :smiley:

make a detachable crown then! Just for the first pictures.


Frogplates. :smile:


@kockie-nl There can only be one crown:


Linear rails arrived today. Ordered the 28th of December, fom China to Germany in 13 days. Unreal. The stuff I ordered locally on the same day also arrived today… :sweat_smile:

Shopping for the torsion box table. :slightly_smiling_face:


Schneewittchen cut her replacement. Used dowels to flip it over after the first half and I can happily say that the Primo is as square as it can be, everything lines up perfectly. Some sanding still needed. I just dislike cutting MDF or HDF. Ugh.


I decided to reprint the core, remembering how important 0.5mm were on the Primo. My green is nearly empty though so there will be more gold and two filament changes if I am unlucky. Upped the temp of the bed to 65°C and cleaned the print plate like it has never been cleaned before. If it fails again I have to buy new filament. Uff.

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I don’t think this core is nearly as sensitive, in the worst case you shim the router a bit left to right. My router is a tram as I can measure and it took two layers of blue tape about 1" long behind my lower spindle mount.

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Oh, good to know. The second one comes loose at exactly the same corners, but only 0.2mm or so, maybe the Mini does not heat the bed to well in the corners of the core’s corners are to sharp for good adhesion on the Mini.

At least it’s good to know I could use the other one should this one fail. Don’t tell my wife, she is mad about another print in the night. :sweat_smile:

Old on the left, new on the right. Green was empty, so more gold. Looks better I think. :slightly_smiling_face:


Table also making progress. Going to get a nail gun of a friend, then I can actually put the table together.


Steady like the turtle. Wrong animal… Uff.


New workshop. :joy:


@vicious1 Should I rotate the stepper to the front or is that okay?

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Maybe run a file in it to notch the wood a bit for room? The front would be okay as well.

How is the table, super rigid? I am dreaming up a new table