So I’ve taken the plunge and ordered 1" 304 steel for my ~6x3 ft cutting area build (84" and 48" tube lengths). I realize this is something I should have done before ordering parts, but I’m trying to figure out the deflection of the cross beams to make a rough guess at what kind of real-world rigidity I can expect. For the sake of argument assume that I’m going to fully support the frame, so I need only worry about the gantry. I’m assuming the most deflection I can expect would be the full weight of the tool head supported by the shortest cross member (48")…
I guess I have two questions: 1.) is this a reasonable worst-case assumption, and 2.) how much force would typically be applied by the tool head?
A third (and only somewhat related) question: Could I add a “sliding” support cross section that would allow me to support the gantry for smaller pieces, thus preventing me from having to maintain 2 machines? Has anyone tried this?