I’m converting my mpcnc from 3DP to cnc. I picked up a 600w daedalus spindle kit a while ago, wired it up this past week. The alarm LED is flashing red.
According to the manual that means one of two things:
- abnormal voltage, ensure that the voltage is stable.
- I checked at power supply, confirmed 46.1V, constant on my multimeter.
- In standby or semi-standby, check the status of the spindle, if the idling status is not always on, it is ok.
- I have no idea what this second item means. I don’t see anything on the spindle.
Per wiring diagram:
Positive/Negative wired blue/brown on power supply
U/V/W wired Red/Blue/Black per manual, any way to confirm U/V/W on motor?
Control plug wired from Daedalus, think it makes sense, could check the pot wires.
Any other ideas to check?