Have you made a business with your CNC or 3D printing? If so, what’s it called and what do you sell mostly? Have you thought about starting a business using these wonderful machines? What would your potential business be called and what would your niche be?
I have a registered business since last year, it’s called HaWiWe, has got a website www.hawiwe.de and I am selling LowRider assembly as a service, Strut Plates as well as skateboard mounts, boxes, cutting boards (in theory).
In reality I have sold one LowRider, one pair of strut plates and one skateboard wall mount…
But my local Skateshop is now going to sell my mounts. Let’s see if there is an opportunity there.
P.S.: maybe change the title?
I think your husband has got a business as well…
She’s the boss. Not me
We are building up North Woods Custom Creations. Right now our main Item is full built V1 LR4 Machines. I am about to box up #7 tonight and have started printing #8, but it will get assembled, tested and shipped next trip home.
Other than the LR4 we do the occasional sign or other custom CNC work. So far its been a lot of fun and is funding our hobbies lol.
So i wouldn’t say it’s a business but more of a support to the in-laws’ business. They own a gun store and my brother in law has been shooting competitively. There is a safety requirement that at the end of each course you have to have a bright colored marker showing that the gun is safe and nothing can possibly get into the chamber. So i designed a fake magazine that goes in, blocks the barrel and locks the bolt open so that there is no question about the safety of his rifle. I added his logo to the side and a couple other little cosmetic things he asked for.
This is the prototype. The real ones will be orange abs instead of this red pla
There is a company that sells them online for $15 but the goal is to get these cheap enough that they can include them with every rifle they sell.
that’s neat
any chance you can modify it so it prints laying horizontally? Kinda like if you just rotated the image 90 to the right. Might lessen the chance of it breaking at a layer line inside the gun.
I’m not sure the make and model here, but on the side facing us, that bottom lip could be removed allowing 90% of it to print on the bed, with supports only for the tongue.
I’m guessing that the other side has the catch, or am I flipped around? I was thinking that we’re looking at the right hand side from the operator’s perspective, but it looks like your thumb might be on the front?
Had the same idea. it’s definitely doable except that bottom is modeled after a common magazine maker to feel the same in the hand when switching. It’s a split second difference but this competitions are timed every little bit counts. I actually wanted to lay it down for better layer orientation. There is little no force under normal conditions, but if the user releases the bolt it will slam into the top part that says clear. It is feasible that because the five of the bolt is parallel to the layer lines that it could break free and lodge in the barrel. I tested over and over and over for coke to an hour. After hundreds of times the only way i could tell was an oil mark where it made contract. That isn’t supposed to happen, but with how far done of these guys are going it COULD happen.