Connection error - 503 service unavailable during job

Hi, during my first long job I lost the connection to the fluid nc Web UI.
I got following message:

Pinging the device was possible, but accessing the Web UI not. Tried both, mobile phone and notebook.

Just after finishing the job it was possible again.

Any known issue?

Using latest version of fluid nc and web UI version 3. Board is directly connected to my wifi.

Hmm, I wouldn’t have expected that.

What is this setting set to?

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Oh, that are my settings:

Seems that this would solve my issue. Sorry!

Any drawbacks expedited when I disable this?

No problem. I think that is the default setting. Reloading the WebUI while a job was running used to be an issue, but I haven’t seen any problems with doing that.

I was still expecting a different screen to display, but maybe I’m not remembering how that works. @Michael_Melancon ?

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That looks like the WebSocket connection failed, which wouldn’t be controlled by the BlockDuringMotion setting.

Hard to say for sure without seeing the debug information in the browser, but usually if I see that, I hit Retry and it generally will connect the second time.


Retry does not solve the issue, I tried it several times.

I will give another try with enabling the feature mentioned above, and if I face this issue again, I will check the debug output on browser.

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according to your photo Block during motion is enabled. turn that off and then try again.