l have two MPCNC machines I built about 4 years ago.
I have unpacked them from storage and now have set them up. They are Arduino Mega boards with ramps and RepRap
Screens. They were flashed with Marlin software that
Ryan sent to me and it was up and running for 3D printing?
Both machines respond to the reprap screen but I am
having trouble getting Repetier files to connect. I get
an error message that the port doesn’t exist. When I check
my devices they are connected to the correct port and
are functioning correctly. I had it connected earlier in the day but lost it for some reason. Does the main power have to be off when I connect the computer to the Arduino? Is
there a certain order of steps to get this to connect?
My computer is windows 7 home and may have received
Updates on the internet by reconnecting it? What do you recommend?
Thank you
No. It should connect fine later. Repetier host will send a reset command when it connects, so the screen may show it reset.
I am not a windows user, but I remember windows 7 needing a driver for the Rambos. But this is a ramps, and you said it connects sometimes.
Can you share some pics of the boards wired up? Maybe something is wrong and we can see it.
Do you have any other USB cables you can try?
Make sure you don’t have Repetier server installed.
Otherwise, I’m not sure.
Any chance Repetier Server got installed and is taking control of the USB ports? Or that some other program is using them?
I may have server and host both installed . Can I uninstall server alone? I think it asked me to install Repetier Server…. How do I check my drivers?
I will try a new USB cable also.
If I remember correctly, I uninstalled both, then ran the installer again and made sure to de-select the Repetier Server component on the re-install.
Thanks when I back to my shop I’ll unstall both programs and then set up host and prey…….
Thank you for all your help! I stripped any programs that referred to Repetier and redownloaded Host… I can now connect and
my MP cnc appears to operate. I have to check the printer and temperature settings before I go further but wanted to thank you for your response. Your help was fantastic and just what I needed.
Thank you both for the help. A new update of Repetier Host fixed most of my problems. I am now trying test boat prints.
With a .05 nozzle 1.7 pla what should the print level be set at? What should the flow rate and speed be set as a standard? Ryan used have a page of all the standard setup
Tailoring questions/ answers for set up of Arduino Mega boards with ramp board. I looked but couldn’t find it on the new website. Does anyone have a copy?
After I put down the perimeter layer the future layers drag through the one underneath.
What controls the change to the Z height every layer pass.
Using a .05 nozzle does changing the flow rate in Repetier or
Extruded temperature have a bigger change. I need to apply a more rounded line of resin while that still adheres but isn’t flattened by the nozzle.
Does Marlin control the print nozzle height?
Does Repetier control the amount of resin laid down?
How important is the machine speed in Repetier?
This doc has been copied over (look all the way to the bottom). But it has not been updated in a long time:
TeachingTech has posted a page with a series of calibration procedures you can go through to get your printer dialed in. I don’t have the irk right here, but Google should find it pretty quickly