I have ordered all my parts for the mpcnc primo. I know the z height will be at the recommended 81mm, but is a 24in x 24in work area to large for the primo to handle? If so, i will drop it to 20by20.
i am using the dewalt 660
i have never cnc’d before, besides 3d printing and my laser, but im trying to keep it close to 2 feet of work area as possible without jeopardizing rigidity and quality.
Yes, outside dimensions of the machine are bigger than your work area. Play around with the calculator and it’ll give you dimensions outside of feet (min table size) and also the overall outside dimensions which are a bit bigger since the trucks are a little wider than the feet.
60cm/60cm is still kind of big, I had 55/75 and had chatter in the middle of the workspace when cutting harder wood which always annoyed me a lot. But you can always make it smaller later, that’s the good thing about it.
the more i look at my space, i think a 50cm by 50cm is pretty good. If i needed to, i could cut a 1/3rd of a part, move the material back, and start the next cut hahaha
You can absolutely do that, but you need to make sure that you can reliably start from the same point and have pegs in the material to make sure you have got the same orientation and same spots.