Computer not comunicating

I have everything wired and the ramps flashed with the Arduino and I can power it up and connect to it just fine although when I try to send a command to the MPCNC it doesn’t. I have installed Repetier Host and when I first connect the MPCNC and push the connect button in the Manual Control tab it will say Idle then when I try to send a command to the MPCNC it will just say “1 command waiting” or how many commands I have given it and hasn’t worked. Does anyone know why this is happening and knows how to fix it?

Mac or pc?
Did you buy it from here?
What did you flash?
Ramps or rambo?


I did not buy it from here but the same exact thing from amazon

Flashed the MPCNC511_GLCD_EB


If it’s connecting but not moving, maybe your RAMPS board isn’t getting power so it can’t execute the command.

How would I fix that problem then? On my ramps board I have 12 volts going to it.

Can you post some pics of your ramps board (and the rest of your setup)?

Do you have a screen attached to your mpcnc?
if so:
Do the motors move when you tell it to move them?
Have you tried printing from SD?

I do have a LCD screen connected to my RAMPS board. The motors do not move when I tell them to. Also as of right now I don’t have my MPCNC finished so my electronics are not on the MPCNC they are just laid out in my living room how they are going to be when I mount them on to my MPCNC. So I loaded a model into Repetier Host and tried to “print” just to see if the motors moved and it for some reason could not start printing. When I try to print from an SD card it says “Heating failed PRINTER HALTED Please reset”. I also found out that when I plug my RAMPS board into the wall outlet and don’t plug the Arduino into the computer that the LCD screen will not light up. Although when I add a short jumper wire to power both sides of the plug the LCD screen lights up all white and starts producing a squealing sound and I believe the RAMPS board starts smoking and I think it is getting to much power. When I plug the ardunio into my computer the LCD screen acts perfectly normal. Here are some picture of my RAMPS board, extruder, and motors. I haven’t plugged in the always on fan or the print fan yet because I am going to need to extend those wires.

You have to have power to the other side of the green plug, the side you have is just for the three d8-d10 port, you will need that as well but that power supply won’t cut it for a heated bed.

The error you are getting might be because of the negative bed temp showing. Either comment it out in the firmware, or plug in a thermistor to T1.

I actually am not planning on using a heated bed do I still need to have power on both sides? Also I have a thermistor in T0 for the extruder I am guessing a thermistor in T1 is for the bed so should I just put a 100k Ohm resistor in T1?

If you change the bed thermistor value to 0 in the firmware config file no therm needed.

yes you still need power to both sides.

It really is best if you start with the regular firmware and the getting started guide, plotting a picture. Lots of things to test when you buy from your own sources. Best not to dive into the deep end with printing.

Just to make sure I am changing the right thing do I need to change this line of code

60 : 100k Maker’s Tool Works Kapton Bed Thermistor beta=3950

Also about adding power to both sides it seams like it is giving it to much power even though I the power source with the link this website gave. Is this the correct way to wire the green plug?

How to power your ramps.

No this is the line,

[attachment file=34991]

I strongly urge you to try it with a pen first.

How to power your ramps.

No this is the line,

[attachment file=34994]

I strongly urge you to try it with a pen first.

Now I for some reason can’t upload the code I keep getting this error message

avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

Any ideas on how to fix?

Try just the arduino without the ramps on it.

I have tried that but it does the same thing.

Might be dead.

What is weird is the lights on the board are blinking like they are supposed to.

Any progress?

The lights will usually come on, depending on the program that is on it. They don’t really indicate anything.