2’ x 4’ is still much larger than recommended for a Primo (MPCNC). At that size you will be MUCH happier with the LR3. It would be simple to bring it down to 2x4 after your done with your larger racks as well if that’s what you wanted to do.
I appreciate the insight.
You confirmed what I was thinking
I think my concern is the LR3 is the clearance is 1.5 inches and a 2x4 is greater than that on the vertical. I was hoping to to create some vertical templates. If I went for the LR3 would I be able to elevate it to accommodate thicker pieces and bring it down easily?
At the end of the day I will more than likely be investing in both I just need something to get me started right now.
When I built my full sheet LR3 I set it on 2 additional layers of 3/4" MDF then installed MDF strips on the table that could be removed if I wanted to mill something thicker/taller. If I could do it over again I would have just put 2 more full sheets as the spoil board and not done the strips. OR if I did the strips again they would be MUCH closer together.
Thank you for the information about the tall yz plates. I will look into this but I think along with what Jonathanjon said will probably work the best with the movable rail.
Get the Makita, you won’t be disappointed. Then you need the collet. They are made by Elaire and are really good, bougth mine a few years back before Ryan had them in stock.
LOL i cant even see it right now. Any flat surface around my house becomes an instant catch all LOL. Should be some pics of it in other threads though
Not the best pic but here is my new smaller LR3 sitting infront of its “big brother” and you can see the strips of MDF…again, if you do strips make them much closer together!!!