October 18, 2020, 4:26pm
Since it’s been a while and I’ve forgotten most of the details, I think these posts have all the information about the software I was using at the time I was doing these tests…
Hate to tell you… but none of this stuff is “a piece of cake”
Here is a lengthy thread from a year or two ago, that will give you some history behind the firmware mods (that I think you’ve applied) that had to be applied to get good engravings from the later versions of Marlin. In that same thread, I also discovered Victor’s ImageToGcode program, which seemed to give me better results at the time than the Image2Gcode program I had been using… and which you are using now. It’s co…
For fun, and as best I could, I engraved the “shades of gray” image with Grbl 1.1h and Lightburn, using the same material (chipboard), feedrates, and resolution (0.2 mm and considered “best” at the time) used when testing/discussing issues with Marlin 2.0 (bugfix) back in the “…not getting great results” thread back in Feb/2019.
SIde by side, the results WRT “shading” are [to my eye] reasonably similar at feedrates of 20/25/50 mm/s (top to bottom) and resolution of 0.2 mm… Grbl/Lightb…