Cannot init SD Card

We tried several screens and several SD cards, it is the Rambo. I found the same thing. I had a card that would work and several that would not. What did make all the cards work again was shorter LCD cables. The LCD’s come with ~30 cm cables normally, but I have them specially made with 65 cm. That was as long as we were able to go previously before getting errors.

Not sure why these two boards are doing this. I am confident Jeff’s link would solve your problem. If you want to try it out let me know, and I will issue a refund to cover the cost of a pack. On my end I will keep tinkering with the board I have here, and get a pack of those ends in case any more funky boards pop up.

Added the short cables and no longer get the errors with any SD card. I saved some .nc files to a card and am unable to read any files. Just wondering if it is able to read .nc or do I need to do anything else. To get this to work. I am completely new to all this and all the GitHub, control programs and all this programming confuse me but am trying to learn it so I can pass it on to my son who loves watching these cnc machines work

Save the files as “.gcode” you can just rename them.

Hey @vicious1, how do I save them as gcode? That’s the option in easel to export gcode but always comes out .nc, seriously I am new to all this side of cnc and you all are helping a lot (when not talking over my head) :joy:

Just right click, rename, and change it to .gcode. They are the same format.

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Thanks @jeffeb3 that worked and rand my test square around the work area now to find a tool to mount the only thing I can find easily is the Makita. You all are awesome, I am learning here thanks to you all.

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Well, feeling a bit miffed right now.


Seems to do the trick. My old cards seemed to work 90% of the time the newer 8gb cards failed 95% of the time. With the spi turned down I have not seen the issue. I wonder if this will affect (effect?) the laser speed tests from before.

Okay so the bugfix and the current release are actually defining this setting differently. So I am not sure if my PR will work. Check back in the morning.

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