I probably should have reworded, “Not that anyone ever replied” to “I know no one has replied yet”. My intention wasn’t meant to be rude, but more to inform anyone that may have been trying to help with the firmware but hadn’t replied yet. My apologies if it came off as rude to anyone.
As for the ENA pin change, I did that because I was following Mperino’s post since I have the NEJE N40630 and had just changed my entire controller housing/wiring to accommodate for the laser and easier firmware changes. My old controller housing did not have access to the micro sd card slot nor the 12v/5v jumper pins on the SKR Pro 1.2, so firmware changes were a pain in the butt especially when doing a lot of trial and error lol. Here are some pics of the new setup, I still need to install the green laser mount so my dust shroud doesn’t have to be removed when using the laser: