Calling all 3D printer experts.......HELP!

These are brackets I printed at 50k
Also here’s a video of it going at 20k but speed is limited by layer time.


Curious if any folks here with EBB/CANBus boards mounted on their Cores ended up bypassing them for the Extruder stepper, and instead ran separate wires straight from the main Controller board?

While troubleshooting and trying out a bunch of things, AI informed me about possibility of CANBus induced delays contributing to artifacts :man_shrugging:

Am leaning towards running separate wires for next build’s Extruder stepper. My hope is to reduce number of parts that can contribute to delay/jitter/artifacts. Curious if anyone tried this already and noticed any differences?

I have not done that nor felt the need to on any of my builds. I have 4 home builds running toolhead boards. 2 of them are now on USB vs CANBUS and soon the other will get swapped to USB. You can use the same CANBUS wiring just have to put a USB end on it to plug into the EBB. Wasn’t much to it at all and it seems to be much more reliable.

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