Cables came in, PCBs on their way

New cable samples with JST GH connectors just came in from China. Super excited to try them out but I gotta wait for the new PCBs to come in too… Oh the woes of international shipping.

I have a little ESP32 tester board coming in too cause I’d like to see how that’d fare.


Nice cables it would have sucked to try and hard crimp those, or even try to shorten and splice them.

Yeah totally. It sucks. Trust me. I started off trying to crimp them all on my own a couple months ago and it took forever. Finally finished them and it turned out my sensors wouldn’t initialize with my janky hand crimps. Ended up just soldering the wires in. Not a terrible option, but it was crushing to have that whole crimping process be in vain hahah. There were a solid couple of days where I was convinced the issue was static from my new carpeted floors too… Had me going crazy.

I hand crimped 100-200 MPCNC’s worth of wires in the early days while looking for a good source. Those are much bigger crimps though. Rarely will I ever touch a hand crimper these days, I put in my time for sure.


Hat’s off to you, that’s some grueling work

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Ugh. Hand crimping all those? :nauseated_face:

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Sat outside, turn up the music, comfy chair…zone out.