Building the "Repeat" printer

What an odd way for the bed to be wonky.

I wonder what that would look like if I took off the filament feeder tube. I feel like it can push or pull on the extruder by 0.02mm pretty easy, and it would explain the straight lines. Or maybe it is the wires, since the do rub on the top of the shelf. Ultra precision is nothing like “eyeball it with a piece of paper”…

That’s how it’s always been explained to me for my printer. Up on the visualizer is actually a dip on the bed. Positive Z+ moves the bed down.

That’s also why Duet has an “invert z coordinates” toggle.

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My gut reaction to the image was that it looked like something might be offsetting the probe result based on if the preceeding motion is goin in the +X direction or the -X direction.

In this case, the first, third and 5th rows would have followed +x motion, and the second and fourth rows following -X motion.

The easiest way to compare would be to go to 3 rows, and see if the center point (which currently registers low) registers high instead.

As to how to fix it if this is the case… Beats me. I’m not seeing any regular patterns like this in mine.

I’m olkay with the numbers, I think I am going to reduce the leveling fade to something like 5mm instead of ten.

But I will run it again and put something on one of the spots, artificial high spot to see which way it is going.

I just think that moving left is low, moving right is high. So if it is only mine doing this is it either the wires or filament tube causing it since this did not show up until it was on the shelf, and the wires are hitting real good. Might even lower the shelf a notch to make this a bit less.

Or maybe the tape measure trick to keep it sideways instead of up.


MPCNC #0000002


16:32:49.195 : G34 Iteration: 1
16:32:49.195 : //action:notification G34 Iteration: 1
16:34:04.840 : Z2-Z1=0.4300 Z3-Z2=0.5600 Z3-Z1=0.1300
16:34:04.840 : //action:notification 1:2=0.430 3-2=0.560 3-1=0.130
16:34:05.126 : G34 Iteration: 2
16:34:05.126 : //action:notification G34 Iteration: 2
16:34:36.857 : Z2-Z1=0.1100 Z3-Z2=0.0000 Z3-Z1=0.1100
16:34:36.857 : //action:notification 1:2=0.110 3-2=0.000 3-1=0.110
16:34:37.101 : G34 Iteration: 3
16:34:37.101 : //action:notification G34 Iteration: 3
16:35:08.752 : Z2-Z1=0.0400 Z3-Z2=0.0300 Z3-Z1=0.0100
16:35:08.752 : //action:notification 1:2=0.040 3-2=0.030 3-1=0.010
16:35:08.862 : Target accuracy achieved.
16:35:08.862 : //action:notification Accuracy Achieved
16:35:08.862 : Did 3 of 8
16:35:08.862 : Accuracy: 0.04

G29 no spacer,

16:39:33.878 : //action:notification V1 3DP Repeat c78df2dP Ready.
16:39:35.330 : Bilinear Leveling Grid:
16:39:35.330 : 0 1 2 3 4
16:39:35.330 : 0 +0.110 +0.080 -0.040 -0.050 +0.120
16:39:35.330 : 1 +0.260 +0.090 -0.150 -0.120 +0.140
16:39:35.330 : 2 +0.420 +0.230 +0.090 -0.010 +0.250
16:39:35.330 : 3 +0.510 +0.280 -0.030 -0.050 +0.270
16:39:35.330 : 4 +0.710 +0.530 +0.330 +0.230 +0.320

G29 with a Penny at position #7,

16:42:13.283 : //action:notification V1 3DP Repeat c78df2dP Ready.
16:42:14.723 : Bilinear Leveling Grid:
16:42:14.723 : 0 1 2 3 4
16:42:14.723 : 0 +0.110 +0.080 -0.040 -0.040 +0.110
16:42:14.723 : 1 +0.270 +0.090 -0.160 +1.180 +0.140
16:42:14.723 : 2 +0.400 +0.240 +0.080 -0.010 +0.240
16:42:14.723 : 3 +0.520 +0.280 -0.020 -0.050 +0.260
16:42:14.723 : 4 +0.720 +0.530 +0.320 +0.210 +0.320

So now we know on these it is + = a high spot.

Well, Barry, I bet you are feeling real good about your fancy beds now. Shoot, looks at those numbers :face_vomiting:! How did I not even notice that before mesh leveling…(like two months ago).

I’m getting the feeling we are missing some significant digits, why is it all rounded to the hundredths place?


I wonder if that has to do with the stepping resolution.

I am going to pick an argument here.

I don’t think this matters that much. Obviously having your first layer off by 0.7mm would make you have a bad day. But having a 200mm part have one corner 0.7mm lower would not make a difference on many 3D printed parts. Your parts, specifically have good tolerance built into that first layer. There is a certain amount of flex anyway. Flexing 0.7mm over 200mm would not take much force.

I don’t use the fade, personally. I am still surprised how flat parts come off of my printer. I think it is a bit about chasing zeros. :person_shrugging:

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I can’t find anything, except all the examples seem to be showing more significant figures. If these are rounded, that could be slowing this down. If they are not rounded, why the heck would it not show all the info. I can’t fake a different resolution and still test this…ahhhhh. This sort of puzlle sucks.

Really!? Why not? Heck at least 1-2mm can’t hurt.

If you turn off the fade, then it follows the mesh the whole way. I guess I think the layer thickness is what matters. I doubt it matters much either way.

Well that is cool, have you ever had a funky top layer because of a high or low spot. That sounds like a cool thing to see.

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My bed looks perfectly flat to me, so the top layers look fine to me too. The top layers have texture anyway that is larger than the errors.

Well that is no fun I want to see a whole layer variation translated through. I wonder if I can print on that penny I laid on the bed earlier. If I tape it on with Kapton maybe I can make it work.


Can you print a ramp?

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Print a ramp then print on the ramp?!? That could be fun.

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So using a visualizer might have a lot of benefits.

3D Printer Auto Bed Leveling Mesh Visualizer | ChillRain browser based.

In my #00002, it looks like I might be sitting on the power cord or something in the back corner. Shoot, this is some high-tech build optimizing. Both printers work perfectly, but this will make them even more perfect

There is an octoprint plugin with bed visualization:

Works with Marlin and Klipper. It definitely helps a lot.

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My bed mesh…

algorithm: Bicubic
speed: 500
mesh_min: 30,43
mesh_max: 292,264
probe_count: 16,16
horizontal_move_z: 12

#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# 	0.015903, -0.017847, -0.047847, -0.054097, -0.064097, -0.070347, -0.084097, -0.099097, -0.114097, -0.135347, -0.150347, -0.177847, -0.184097, -0.211597, -0.222847, -0.247847
#*# 	0.025903, -0.005347, -0.025347, -0.030347, -0.035347, -0.045347, -0.059097, -0.069097, -0.080347, -0.095347, -0.121597, -0.145347, -0.156597, -0.171597, -0.199097, -0.200347
#*# 	0.013403, 0.008403, -0.006597, 0.005903, -0.007847, -0.004097, -0.031597, -0.031597, -0.057847, -0.067847, -0.079097, -0.107847, -0.120347, -0.132847, -0.147847, -0.174097
#*# 	0.018403, -0.007847, -0.000347, -0.000347, -0.000347, -0.001597, -0.011597, -0.017847, -0.030347, -0.055347, -0.069097, -0.091597, -0.097847, -0.110347, -0.134097, -0.131597
#*# 	0.023403, 0.024653, 0.024653, 0.034653, 0.030903, 0.039653, 0.024653, 0.015903, -0.006597, -0.014097, -0.030347, -0.052847, -0.059097, -0.077847, -0.082847, -0.094097
#*# 	0.023403, 0.023403, 0.032153, 0.039653, 0.043403, 0.044653, 0.038403, 0.028403, 0.012153, 0.007153, 0.005903, -0.022847, -0.037847, -0.046597, -0.064097, -0.059097
#*# 	0.039653, 0.057153, 0.058403, 0.077153, 0.069653, 0.067153, 0.065903, 0.069653, 0.044653, 0.042153, 0.022153, 0.005903, 0.000903, -0.011597, -0.021597, -0.035347
#*# 	0.043403, 0.040903, 0.065903, 0.065903, 0.077153, 0.060903, 0.062153, 0.059653, 0.037153, 0.040903, 0.034653, 0.023403, 0.003403, -0.004097, -0.014097, -0.011597
#*# 	0.050903, 0.065903, 0.074653, 0.092153, 0.099653, 0.085903, 0.078403, 0.075903, 0.064653, 0.058403, 0.055903, 0.034653, 0.029653, 0.024653, 0.013403, 0.008403
#*# 	0.048403, 0.060903, 0.078403, 0.093403, 0.103403, 0.085903, 0.083403, 0.083403, 0.068403, 0.060903, 0.048403, 0.045903, 0.039653, 0.027153, 0.019653, 0.047153
#*# 	0.052153, 0.072153, 0.083403, 0.097153, 0.114653, 0.097153, 0.090903, 0.090903, 0.080903, 0.079653, 0.063403, 0.060903, 0.058403, 0.050903, 0.043403, 0.035903
#*# 	0.053403, 0.059653, 0.077153, 0.095903, 0.115903, 0.094653, 0.088403, 0.088403, 0.078403, 0.073403, 0.065903, 0.079653, 0.057153, 0.050903, 0.083403, 0.054653
#*# 	0.035903, 0.065903, 0.089653, 0.102153, 0.128403, 0.107153, 0.107153, 0.113403, 0.099653, 0.089653, 0.085903, 0.100903, 0.075903, 0.078403, 0.082153, 0.064653
#*# 	0.003403, 0.034653, 0.062153, 0.097153, 0.088403, 0.092153, 0.087153, 0.094653, 0.084653, 0.090903, 0.079653, 0.073403, 0.075903, 0.070903, 0.072153, 0.068403
#*# 	-0.016597, 0.029653, 0.065903, 0.083403, 0.099653, 0.090903, 0.095903, 0.088403, 0.095903, 0.085903, 0.080903, 0.079653, 0.085903, 0.087153, 0.077153, 0.079653
#*# 	-0.020347, 0.017153, 0.035903, 0.067153, 0.072153, 0.074653, 0.069653, 0.075903, 0.063403, 0.072153, 0.065903, 0.062153, 0.070903, 0.067153, 0.059653, 0.068403

My variance across the bed is .3762mm


That’s beautiful.