I am setting up my new MPCNC for the first time with the Rambo v1.4 board which I believe came flashed with Marlin. Everything was purchased from the V1Engineering shop. I am not currently using end stops and I am using a PC for this.
On to my problem… When I connect the power to the board, no power lights turn on and the LCD screen doesn’t light up. If I put a jumper wire across the F3 fuse for the Logic/Heat/Fans, the indicator light on the board turns on and i can get the LCD to flash on and off with a ticking sound. I have attached two pictures of the setup and a link to a video of the LCD flashing is here.
Also, last night I was able to connect the board to the Repetier-Host software but I could not control the machine as it would have the following error: “no start signal detected - forcing start” and then it would timeout.
I’m wondering if I blew the 5A fuses when I was attempting to get the Repetier-Host software or if there is some other issue?
Plugged in backwards, have a look at the ultimachine page at the bottom of the assembly instructions. The shrouds are backwards on a few boards (really it is the cables). I can’t tell as I can only see one end of the cables.
This would not blow a fuse though and I would not be able to flash with a blown fuse either. Did you check the fuse with a MM or just jump it? Any idea how this might have happened, it is not common unless you have massive feedback. The steppers wires you have plugged in are not standard, they would be if you had 5 of them and bough them a few months ago, but do not match anything I currently have.
Alright, so I filed off the shrouds and flipped one end of each cable 180°. Now if I use my jumper wire, the board will power on instead of flashing. Thanks for that.
I currently don’t have a MM where I’m at so I just jumped it. When I originally started wiring the power, I had the wires backwards and a spark came out of the wall when I plugged the cord in. Would that be the massive feedback needed to blow the fuse?
As for the stepper wires, they were in the complete package that I purchased on June 24th. Would they be part of the reason why the steppers won’t move?
why don’t you just pull the fuses and look at them to see if they are blown? You could also test them with your multi meter too if you cant see them very good.