I have been having some issues with CNC.js + Jackpot as a GRBL controller. I don’t need to go into details, that’s for another thread. I simply wanted to try out gSender which looks like it’s worth trying, to control the Jackpot as a GRBL controller instead of using CNC.js.
(yes, I know about FluidNC, and I find it to be great value, minimal environment – but I want more than it can offer)
Has anyone done this? I installed gSender on an old Windows laptop and hooked up the controller via USB cable, but gSender does not detect the controller. I’m not sure if it’s a fundamental compatibility issue, an old-laptop issue, etc, but I’m kinda just probing if this is even worth debugging. I’ll probably stick gSender on a raspberry pi if it seems worth the trouble. But I’m not confident that it is.
If there’s another free option for GRBL-based g-code sender besides FluidNC, CNC.js and gSender, that someone would recommend, I’d love to look into it. The main thing for me is having advanced macros (with variables & equations and easy modification through the UI). I’d prefer if it uses a web interface, but I don’t mind dedicating an old RPi or laptop to it.
@dpenney Do you like it? Is it living up to expectations? Also, was there anything special to set it up?
I just switched to an old linux laptop (rather than trying to free an RPi from another project), and the connection seems to work now (after adding my user to the dialout group for USB/Serial permissions). I think something was wrong with that old Windows laptop I had before. I guess now I can play with it now.
Yeah I like it a lot, nice friendly clean interface, no complaints so far but it’s early days as I’d been using UGS. I also had to fix the dialout perms.
My new go-to instead of rPis which are totally over priced at this point are Lenovo M700 Thinkcentre Tinys from eBay, can get them for under $50 and really nice hardware.