Anyone have a 500w spindle?

I was working on my cnc and shocked myself by touching the Z conduit. After testing continuity on all the stepper driver wires and getting nothing on any of them I decided to turn up the spindle power supply from all the way down to full to see if that was shorting. Well I heard some high pitched noises and then snap crackle pop. From looking at the board there is definitely something fried but I have no idea if it’s a resistor or diode or what values. Does anyone have one of these power supplies than can tell me what it is? I was surprised to find that these power supplies are basically as much as the bundle I got with the motor and all so I’m hoping it’s repairable.

I have a 500W spindle from Amazon (Chinese) so I can go out and take the cover off and see if there are any clues.

It shouldn’t short your conduits even if there is a major malfunction.
You must have a bad extension wire or similar getting contact with the conduits.

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Thanks, I’ll get that resistor replaced and hopefully nothing else got fried. And yeah I used cheap wire with silicone insulation that tears when you look at it wrong. I didn’t realize it when I bought it on Amazon. Should have new wire coming this week to replace that garbage. It’s also not 20 awg like they claim.

Sounds like a plan to replace it. Best of luck with your build.

Is that a diode symbol on your board under that resister that burnt out on mine??? Mine is too charred to read even after I removed the old one and tried to clean it up.

No luck with replacing the resistor. It powered on fine but I got no output voltage. One of the other components must have taken a hit too. The big mosfet heat sinked to the case looks like it had an arc between the right 2 legs. I might dig through my junk pile and see if I have anything comparable to replace that with but I doubt that will make it work either.

Anyone know where I can get one for cheap? $50 seems a bit steep for how cheap this thing is.

If not, I might look at other options. Are the brushless motors as cheap as the one I have?

Looks like a Diode symbol…but isn’t that a resistor Brown, Brown, Black, Brown, Green?

Yes that is a resistor which is why I’m confused.

I can only say, Chinese electronics without quality control… I can measure the resistor with a multimeter if u like?

That usually doesn’t work well if the resistor is still in the circuit. The voltage can find other ways to get through, so it measures the resistance of the system and not just the resistor.

Sounds like there are some pretty significant problems. Like, if the garage door was a pile of ashes, replacing the garage door is not your only concern…

I put in a 1.1k resistor but I guess it could very well be a 5.1k.

Also replaced the mosfet with a W12NK90Z from a PC power supply. Still not getting anything on the output rails.

I tore apart the black box and don’t see anything in there that is obviously burnt so I guess this power supply is done for unless someone has a schematic or any ideas what else I could try.

And the fuse is OK I assume?

No, was blown but I soldered the 2 ends together and shoved it back in (don’t try that at home!)

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Here’s what’s in the black plastic box for anyone interested.

It came with the serial numbers filed off? Great… :roll_eyes:

Like.removing the viin number on a car then you can’t check without destroying it

I just figured they had to get down far enough to get past the “REJECTED” melted into the IC casing at the factory… :wink:

With the lack of information about this thing I’m just going to call it dead. It’s a shame…never even got to make a single cut with the thing. So now the question is do I buy a $5 power supply for $50 or go with a different spindle? I don’t really want to go dewalt for noise and I’d like it to be adjustable. Suggestions?

I went back to dewalt because it’s more stable. The chepo spindles have a metric ass ton of stick out due to their design. Sure it’s loud, but so it the vac, and the cutter.

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It has a diode symbol and a voltage rating silk screened on the board. Since diodes can have color code bands too:
it might be, if I read the chart correctly, a 1N1101E. I found a data sheet for a similarly numbered diode:
with a reverse working voltage of 15V. Just guessing, but that might explain the PCB symbol and labeling.

  • Al
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